I don't want to be one of those people who believes everything should be political, but, SOMEHOW, supporting Ukraine became political. I think those of us more attuned with Eastern Christianity (but not under the influence of the Russian Orthodox church), can spot the propaganda, easier. (Like what Russia says about Ukraine with the UOC-MP, for instance, given that Russia persecutes the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, this seems hypocritical).
I don't want to say anything uncharitable, but, when you spend your time in an echo chamber (and this is from people on either side of the political spectrum), and don't hear any voices that say otherwise, you've kinda boxed yourself in a corner.
I don't know what I'm trying to say, but, pray for President Trump and Patriarch Shevchuk. Patriarch Shevchuk knows the reality of Ukraine, because he lives there.
Ah, supporting Ukraine has become political............Adamcsc, thank you for caring about this article in the Catholic Herald. In the last few weeks, more and more people have become reluctant to comment on this topic. When Russia first invaded Ukraine, just about everyone wanted to lend their support, financial and moral, to the Ukrainian nation. Now- what a turn of events. What a change of attitude. We have forgotten about Russia's drive toward Kiev, the attacks on Ukrainian civilians, the kid-napping of Ukrainian youth and their transportation to indoctrination camps. We have forgotten too, the courageous stand of the Ukrainian people and how they became the model of resistance to totalitarian oppression. How quickly we forget. How fickle we really are. Now America has joined a select few countries who feel Russia is not the " aggressor". Putin was " provoked" and Zelensky is the real "dictator."
There was a time, at least among us baby boomers, that ideology guided American, and World, policy. We held a belief that, we should all stand together to defend against oppresion and condemn those who would threaten Democracy. I suppose that idea was inherited from mothers and fathers of the " greatest generation". Well........that appears to have been replaced now, at least in the minds of many Americans. Ideology just isn't profitable anymore. By many, the world is not seen as a place that needs freedom and security. It is seen as a place of material opportunity. It is a place to own, or at least parcel out. Why think about abstract notions such as rights and sovereignty, when there are mineral resourses and land to build resorts. There are fortunes to be made.
No, it's not just political, its "rampant materiality" that has taken, or forced itself upon, the scene. The security of Democracy.....and.......our churches...... isn't a priority now.