Health in the Lord and blessings of the Holy Spirit!
In light of the question Alex posed regarding the avatar icon that I have, I too am wondering where to get that icon

. I am just leisurely surfing the net when I stumbled upon the icon but I forgot the Carmelite website address where I downloaded it

. Rest assured Alex that I am looking into it because I am planning to make a poster of it by next year as a give-away for the 25th Anniversary of our Lay Carmelite Community. I am searching for a much clearer picture of it so that when it go to the press it will be beautiful.
Anyway, here is an explanation of the icon given to me by a priest:
"I think it is a Carmelite variant of "In Thee Rejoiceth" with the Theotokos enthroned (and as the Throne of Jesus, the Word Made Flesh) .The Heavenly Jerusalem("Splendor Caeli") background( with a n imperial guard of 7 angels- evocative of the7 angels of the Apocalpse's Cities) reminds us also that Mary is the New Ark of Jesus, the New Covenant and Temple and Walled City of the Living God Incarnate and Jesus, of course, is the Center and Purpose of all. Mary is also the Fountain containing the Water of Life,Jesus,which Font is surrounded by Carmelite Saints,including Elijah, and saints beloved by Carmelites."