I can certainly see that it would be more effective to focus on our strengths and opportunities, rather than exclusively on our weaknesses and threats.
I want to re-emphasize the point I was making: those who think they are advancing the cause of evangelism by whining about our problems and falsely idyllizing others need to rethink their evangleism strategy.
Following the Pauline principle of "overwhelming evil with an abundance of good", we need a positive strategy to support our restoration and mission, while being realistic about our challenges. So what would you propose?
Of course I am largely unfamiliar with Holy Ghost parish. And to be honest, I don't know much about evangelism. But what I would try to do as a parishioner is this:
Pray more.
Make a critical assessment of what the parishioners want for the future, and the work they are willing to undertake to realize that future. Resources are limited, so the parishioners must buy in, and ultimately they must do the work. They must make the parish thrive. It is their responsibility.
Don't imagine that salvation of the parish is coming from the Eparchy; they are more likely to come, close the church, sell the property, and give the assests to the servant who earned the most. And that, as painful as it is, is called stewardship.
Make a candid assessment of the propsects. Who might be recruited to the parish? How many of the re-diaspora might be willing to return to a revitalized parish in a revitalized neighborhood? How close are other BC churches that would be, in effect, in direct competition? How many unchurched or marginally churched people are in the surrounding area? Do we envision efforts to recruit RCs, Orthodox? How many friends and extended family members can the parishioners bring to visit and hope to have stay? Make realistic goals and plans informed by this candid assessment.
Work toward a richer liturgical life. At the very least complete the Sabbath services. Father Huszti has to double up and may not be able, but he should be receptive to reader services. Work hard to do them beautifully. Don't expect people to break down the doors to particpate in badly done liturgies.
Have a sumptuous coffee hour.
Work as a parish on charitable endeavors, especially community endeavors. Invite everyone you can to work with your parishioners.
Enhance community also by socializing together.
Keep in touch with all of the potential recruits, friends, family, and charity collaborators. Keep them informed and interested in what is happening. Give them every chance to particpate, and don't begrudge them when they can't.
Talk up your parish and church.
Celebrate success with noticable noise, persevere after failure. Be kind to those who fail; keep the prayer of St. Ephraim on your lips.