I know it is hard to believe but 5 years ago i went to Mexico City with my uncle, I went to an enormous record store and just bought the record of Tchaikovski's Music for the Divine Liturgy (I had to decide between that one and Bethoven's Mass in C +).
Then in my town some months later in the same store (but at my town) they had the Litrugy's music of Rachmaninov, and the Vespers, the Ipolitov-Ivanov Liturgy and Vespers and I got all of them. They are from Philips I think, very good records, Russian Chhoirs.
I have two versions of Rachmaninov's Vespers, that one with the Russian Choir and Olga Borodina, and another one by an American Choir conducted my Mstslav Rostropovitch. Both are good, I prefer the Russian choir, but Rostropovich is great as a director.