Originally posted by Rilian:
Have you ever read the excerpt "Vatican I - A Pseudo-Council?" from a book by Melkite Bishop Zoghby? ...
It is interesting that Yves Congar, hardly a slacker when it came to ecumenical issues touching the Orthodox, saw in Vatican I one of "the
loci theologici of collegiality". This is in part due to the definition on Papal primacy and the "supreme power" in the church which resides in the Pope's ministry when he speaks for the whole Church and in the whole episcopate with the Pope as its head. He also asserted that in light of the thesis of the dogmatic decree,
De Ecclesiae which was never promulgated due to the disruption created by the Savoyards. It was only at Vatican II that the papal ministry was situated appropriately in the context of and at the service of the whole eccelsia. The invasion of Rome disrupted the "complete thought" of the council...and so for nearly a century, theologians took the primacy football and attempted to run it all the way home.
The issue for me is less with the teaching and more with its implmentation and interpretation.