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I've got a question...
When I went to confession on Saturday, the line was a mile long. I got there early, but Father still couldn't hear everyone's confession. At 5:30, he said he'd only hear 3 more (there's a 6pm vigil service). There were a LOT of people, besides me, who didn't get to make their confessions.
I was always taught, no confession... no communion. So what do I do come Easter Sunday? There's no confessions this Saturday.
Thanks! Beth
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Receive Holy Communion and go to Reconciliation next chance you get. It was not your fault you could not receive the Mystery of Reconciliation.
Fr. Deacon Lance
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Father Deacon Lance, I wouldn't be quite so hasty...it depends if this person's conscience is burdened. If it IS, then telling him to "receive Holy Communion and go to Confession the next time you can" would be sinful for him AND for YOU! My humble suggestion is that he call the rectory and make an appointment for Confession as soon as possible. We must always try and be VERY careful and gentle about such matters. If a person's conscience is burdened (whether rightly or not) receving Holy Communion is NEVER the best thing to do. After 25 years as a priest, I can you, reception is indeed an awesome privilege, but it is never to be rushed or done without preparation---NEVER! I think of St. Therese, the Little Flower, who became such an incredible Saint, but was only blessed by her confessor to receive twice a month!---and we, who go MORE often (in some cases weekly and even daily) why aren't we growing in holiness??? I think, it has a great deal to do with NOT preparing well and NOT making a good thanksgiving after.
There's MUCH more to reception of the Holy Eucharist than walking up the aisle and opening your mouth (or hand in the Latin practice). You of course don't realize the full responsibility of the Eucharist, but we priests are given the charge on the Day of Ordination (in the Eastern Church...as I'm sure you know)...with the solemn warning: "Guard this well, because on the Last Day you must render an account before the Judgment Seat of Christ!" It is remind ALL of us, that reception of Holy Communion is NEVER to be taken lightly...but always entered into soberly and solemnly and well prepare...and then afterward, the Lord should be well-thanked...and we should spend 10-15 minutes after our reception of Holy Communion doing just that.
Asking forgiveness if I have offended in anyway,
I remain your poorest brother in Christ, +Gregory, priestmonk
+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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Father Gregory ,
I really think you should go and look at Sahm [ [b] Beth[/b ]'s post again.
She did go - intending to make her confession - but was prevented from so doing because the Priest had to Serve the Vigil.
I think Fr Deacon Lance knows perfectly well about the Priest's responsiblity as regards the Holy Mysteries.
I think we should not be presuming to make any conclusions about the state of Beth's soul .
Not everyone lives on the Priest's doorstep or are able to phone and make an appointment.
This is now the end of the great fast for some of us .
We in the Church I attend, have had confessions every evening for the last 2 weeks as well as the usual Saturday slot.
We also had a Service of Reconciliation tonight and about 100 people were present [ not really enough for 5.800 on the Parish Roll ]
Sahm has tried her best - God will , I feel certain , understand what is in her mind and heart
I ask forgiveness if it is thought that I have been less than charitable in my comments
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Many priests, sad to say, don't schedule much time for confession. Oh, there's always time for some golf, the latest interfaith gabfest, or whatever you choose, but not confession. I'm OK, you're OK, everybody's OK, so who needs all that anachronistic obsession with sin? Those beloved priests who really care for souls are not as plentiful as many of us would wish. And when we do find one of those rare jewels, he gets overburdened and overworked trying to make up for the priests who don't care. In far too many churches today, weekly confession is an impossibility. Monthly might be possible, if you get there early enough to be at the front of the line. In this RC diocese, penance services are held in all parishes at least twice per year. Some parishes schedule them quarterly. That does help.
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Hopefully you won't have the constant instruction that one should "embrace your sin; it's part of who you are." "Don't be so upset about it." Lots of New-Age-influenced priests don't really think we need to worry so much. (Shudder)
It's a very difficult thing to get a regular confession made these days. Many priests in our diocese schedule a half hour before Saturday evening Liturgy and then stop after fifteen minutes to vest. Others don't advertise their schedule so if one does not belong to the parish one has an almost impossible time in finding confession time.
Then there are those who think that Holy Week is not the time to hear confessions. My comment to them has always been that if it's good enough to be a custom at St. Peter's in Rome it ought to be good enough to be a custom in the hinterlands.
Sometimes I think it goes back to proper catechesis, too. When one hears from one's children that confession isn't necessary unless one has committed a murder or something equally bad, wrong, or evil, one wonders. I've told people who casually receive in the hand that the manner in which we treat Our Lord when He lies vulnerable in our hands is the way in which He will treat us when we are in His Hands after our passing. (Funny, people don't seem to like that. Maybe I won't do that anymore--NOT!!)
I once asked a friend who is an Orthodox priest if he could hear my confession to get around some of the time problems. But he said that he could not give me absolution because we were not in communion. (Gotta get that problem solved.)
In Christ,
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Anhelyna, I stand by what I said exactly. No one is making any assumptions about anyone's soul here---read CAREFULLY what I said: IF A PERSON'S CONSCIENCE IS BURDENED---READ HERE, TROUBLED ABOUT SOMETHING...then it is better NOT to go and receive. Your understanding is completely in keeping with the more modern Latin Rite understanding of Confession, however, it is NOT the Eastern understanding---either of a necessity to receive frequently...or proper preparation for reception. Also Anhelyna, no one who has not been a confessor could ever possibly understand completely the responsibilities that come with the Ministry of the Keys. You can be taught ABOUT it, but you never understand it completely until you receive Holy Orders and stand or sit in fear and trembling in persona Christi and must act in His place! My suggestion is that you read the Sermons on the Priesthood by St. John Chrysostom and then you may begin to glimpse a bit of the reality.
Again, I stand by what I said exactly: one should never encourage another to just receive and then go to Confession later...that is a VERY spiritually dangerous thing...even if a person has NO serious sins at all. First a confessor ONLY has that responsibility and that's where it should remain.
Your brother in the Lord, +Fr. Gregory
+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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I understand very well what you said Fr Gregory ,
However I do have a long memory for seemingly unrelated bits of information .
Here is one of those and it's very relevant.
Sahm posted a question about her husband's conversion - and in it she mentioned that their EC Parish was 3 1/2 hours away.
Under these circumstances it will not be easy for her to see her EC Priest before Pascha.
BUT she is Catholic and may indeed approach an RC Priest for Confession
This could be a solution to the problem.
And I do hope Sahm understands that we are trying to help
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Anhelyna, My suggestion is that she go ( if she feels strongly about it) to any Roman Catholic priest available. My own confessor is over two states away (about three hours) and I make sure that I go once a week or every other week...no matter what. Of course I'm probably a greater sinner, but I know I need to see him and speak with him frequently, no matter what, but it not just sins that are of concern...but rather the spiritual state of one's soul that is of importance. Talking about things like 'distractions in prayer,' frequency of temptations, types of temptations, growth in virtue, etc. Sinfulness is one a tiny part of the Mystery of Confession. One's soul must be settled in peace to approach the Holy Eucharist (according to our Eastern understanding of the Eucharist)...and that is not just a matter of sin or non sin.
In His great mercy, +Fr. Gregory, who asks for your prayers!
+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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I have been following this thread, and I understand what Anhelya is saying, but I must back up Father Gregory. Part of the Eastern tradition about receiving the eaucharist, is one has to be at peace and properly prepared. That means to prepare by prayer and fasting, but also not to be burdened by serious sin. All sin is serious, but some weighs more on the soul than others. If you can say, that you are not burdened by your sins, and your confessor has so blessed, you may receive for a period of time that you are blessed to receive. This does not mean everytime you receive you must have been to confession immediately before that. If you have made every effort to confess, and nothing is available, confess in prayer, and resolve to bring it to your confessor on the next possiible occasion.
Confession is a sacrament that helps heal us spiritually, by cleansing the festering wounds of sin. It must be practiced with regularity to be effective. If not it becomes an imposition to the pentintent serve little good. It sends the wrong message to the penitent.
The frequency of confession needs to discussed with your confessor.
I believe This is what Father Gregory has intended. Each has to approach under the direction and blessing of thier confessor. Developing their rule without proper guidance or following a rule of popular guidance, will only lead to the person to spiritual confusion and indifference.
Please take Father Gregory's dvice and serioudly prsy snd think about it.
In Christ, Father Anthony+
Everyone baptized into Christ should pass progressively through all the stages of Christ's own life, for in baptism he receives the power so to progress, and through the commandments he can discover and learn how to accomplish such progression. - Saint Gregory of Sinai
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" . . . the spiritual state of one's soul that is of importance. Talking about things like 'distractions in prayer,' frequency of temptations, types of temptations, growth in virtue, etc. Sinfulness is one a tiny part of the Mystery of Confession."
Fr. Gregory:
Thank you for reminding us that this Holy Mystery is more than a laundry list of sins. "The spiritual state of one's soul" is such an important part of our whole life and it so often gets forgotten if one approaches this Mystery from a very narrow, legalistic mindset.
Again, thank you for this reminder.
In Christ,
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FYI, Anhelyna, it was my local RC church that I had tried to go to confession since, as you said, my Byzantine church is so far away.
I have mentioned that it would be nice to have the opportunity to go to confession more than just Saturdays for 1/2 an hour before the vigil. I have several friends who must work Saturdays, in addition to the regular M-F.
I thank you all for your help. I'm sorry if I caused a misunderstanding, it was not my intent.
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I have been following this topic with interest. It has become a greater challenge these days to attend confession regularly, for a number of reasons. For one, has anyone noticed that very few people even go to confession anymore? My town must be inhabited by many holy people, as so few show up for confessions, to the point where the priests are decreasing the time for such. Therefore, let's be careful not to blame our priests for this (i.e., scheduling less time for confessions at great feasts such as Christmas and Easter) since they often sit waiting for long periods in the confessional during the rest of the year with nobody attending! Truly, we have lost our sense of sin. I commend Father Gregory's response and pray that we all might more seriously make an effort to confess and receive Communion with greater mindfulness of the great gift of these Mysteries.
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One last thing! What I meant to add was that it takes greater effort to get to confession these days, due to the shorter time availability and the priest shortages in parishes. Personally, I almost always need to pick up the phone and call a local parish to make confession appointments for me and my teenagers, since our schedules may not fit into the brief time slots for regular confession times. It's well worth it!
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Fr. Gregory,
No offense taken. My presumption was that someone who was taking their Paschal duty so seriously would not contemplate receiving in a state of serious sin and was simply contemplating refraining for failure to confess during Lent.
Fr. Deacon Lance
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