Dear friends,
Thanks for your followup inquiries. Since I last posted, I have been going to the local Ukrainian Catholic church. It's a little closer than the Byzantine church, for one, and I thought I'd see how it worked out.
I also recently had the opportunity to visit Eastern Europe, where I spent some time connecting with both my Roman Cathlolic roots as well as my newly-found Eastern Catholic interests. That trip was, in many ways, a spiritual awakening.
So far, I've enjoyed the Divine Liturgy a great deal. Maybe it's age or experience speaking, but I seem to connect to the Divine Liturgy much better than I did the Novos Ordo Roman Rite Mass of my childhood. I have particularly enjoyed being able to sing all of my responses during the Liturgy. My favorite part of Mass as a child was the hymns, so it's nice to be able to make the entire service a hymn instead of just a couple of songs. At my first service, I kept thinking - this is how I always wanted church to be when I was a kid.
What I continue to struggle with is sin. Although I have worked mightily to purge myself of the sin which clouded me in my years away from the church, I continually slip and backslide. I have prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the patron saints of my particular failings for their intercession. To some extent I have succeeded, but I continue to have problems. I am hopeful that with time and prayer, I will prevail.
Pray for me, a sinner before the eyes of God.