At a local Roman Catholic parish the priest when asked about the omission of the Creed one Sunday ("Did you forget?"), said that he omitted it to have more time for what he wanted to say.
Of course not all the Masses at which the Pope of Rome has been the principle celebrant during his many travels have been consistent with the rubrics either. If one has to participate in a Roman Mass, I think that he just has to find the parish that has a reverent one as much in line with the teaching of the Church as he can find.
Yes, the "free-for-all" approach to liturgy so prevelant nowadays would certainly be an obstacle to unity should it continue indefinitely. The Church has, however, been through many other periods of craziness through the centuries. Either there will be a genuine renewal at some time (not necessarily our lifetime) or else we are at the end of the age.
Thankfully, the Divine Liturgy of the few Byzantine churches I have been able to visit, as well as at the few Orthodx churches I have been to, have been within the limits of what I find acceptable. I don't think we are going to see jazz, clowns, dancing girls, etc. any time soon!
Perhaps we need to express appreciation more often to those priests who celebrate a reverent, worshipful liturgy, whether Eastern or Western.
Porter (actual name)