"BTW, I have heard that Latinizations are especially bad in the Ukrainian church. Is this true?"
I think they are pretty bad in both Ruthentian and Ukrainian Catholic parishes.
More work has been done in the past 20 years to rid us of them, yet many parishes and priests still blindly promote Latinizations.
The aforementioned priest is still very young, which is scary.
In the UGCC here in North America, there are shining examples of Eastern rewnewal in such places like:
St. Nicholas Parish, Toronto, ON.
St. Elias Parish, Brampton, ON. (
www.saintelias.com [
The Sheptytsky Institute, Ottawa, ON.
St. Michael's Parish, Philadelphia, PA.
Sts. Volodymyr and Olha, Chicago, IL.
Ukiah Mission Parish, Ukiah, CA.
Nativity of the BVM, Los Angeles, CA.
I am sure there are many more but the above list are some of the shining examples of renewal.
What is funny is that IMHO, the priest is the one who "Latinizes" or not.
I think most parishioners either don't care or are receptive of returning to our heritage and traditions.
And yes, unfortunately there are many bad apples in the UGCC priesthood. It is just the way things are. But, Slava Bohu there are some fantastic, holy priests that are great and solid academics and wise pastors.
As a good priest friend of mine says, in the next 20 years we may further decline to the point of near extinction, but then, through prayer, we can experience a new Pentecost. It happened in Ukraine, and I pray to God daily it will happen in the Diaspora.
BTW, welcome to the forum!!