I was surpised how loose they'd gotten on that locally, at least on holidays. They will not permit you to receive Communion with an uncovered head. I noticed several young women last Christmas, who spoke fluent Russian, not wearing anything on their heads and that sort of irked me, although I try as a rule not to stare at fellow worshippers, really. If it's really bitterly cold out, they don't get antsy about trousers if ladies have long coats on, I've noticed more of that, too, lately - again, among young women speaking fluent Russian. Maybe our Russian traditions in America are being changed by real Russians, I dunno?! But frankly, part of the old atmosphere I like of ROCOR churches and some other old Orthodox churches I've been to (like my baba's old church) is popping a scarf and a long skirt on before going in. I don't like to see traditions slip away where they were so firmly entrenced. Part of worship to me is connecting with tradition and the continuity of faith and its expression. Normally, I am not a scarf-wearing girl, but there are places where I still expect to do it. I guess that's changing, though. :-(
Originally posted by Ray S.:
If you are going to Liturgy in a ROCOR Church DON'T wear pants. They will not let you in or they will make you put a skirt over your pants.