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Does anyone know where I can get novena prayers in honor of St. Elijah or oter appropriate prayers? Thanks. smile

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I'm not sure that there IS a Novena to St. Elias/St. Elijah the Prophet, but with a little creativity, you could use this Canon to St. Elias and add each day prayers to the Mother of God of Mount Carmel and pray this for nine days. That is what I would suggest.

Canon to St. Elias the Prophet

Give to me God�s grace, blessed Elias!

Ode 1. Tone 8.
The wonder-working staff.

As to the widow�s son, give life to my soul, which has become a corpse, and make it bright with godly virtues, blessed Saint, guide it towards life and make it a partaker of everlasting delight, longing to take delight in you.

When you were born your father was initiated into a truly mighty wonder; for he saw you, O blessed one, eating fire and being swaddled in flame. Therefore by your intercessions deliver me from everlasting fire.

Made great by your inclinations towards God, O blessed one, you were truly always greatly zealous for the Lord. Therefore empower me, once I am filled with divine zeal, to do God�s will so that saved I may honour you.


God who is beyond being was incarnate from you, O All-blameless, and for us he appeared like us as man. Entreat him insistently, O All-pure, to save me who have sinned more than all mankind and to deliver me from punishment.

Ode 3. O Lord, the builder.

The priests of shame as enemies you slew, glorious Prophet, aflame with zeal for God. Therefore I cry to you: Snatch me from the works of shame and the everlasting fire.

I put you forward as intercessor before the mighty God, O blessed one, able to save me from every evil. Be persuaded by my humble prayer and do not despise me as I entreat you.

God, who brings all to pass, magnifies you, glorious Prophet Elias, nourishing you of old through a bird. Beseech him to make me a partaker of eternal delight and of the light to come.


Gate through which none may pass that leads to God, open to me I beg, O Maiden, gates of repentance, cleansing me from the stain of sins with showers of your mercy, O full of God�s grace.

Ode 4. You, Lord, are my strength.

God turned all your fiery zeal and sent you to nourish a widow, inspired Elias, who by a woman�s threat had of old become a fugitive. And so I implore you to nourish my hungry soul with divine gifts of grace.

Fierce clouds of sins cover me, billows of life buffet me and the spirits of wickedness blow dreadfully against my soul. Prophet who speak of God, become my pilot, directing me towards the haven of salvation.

Strength of soul, strength of body grant me, blessed Elias, by entreating the Lord of glory who takes away the diseases of all; and guide me safely to hasten through the stumbling blocks of life unharmed; for I put you forward as my good defender.


All-blameless Lady, with all the heavenly Powers, with all the Prophets, Athletes, Apostles and Holy Ones, intercede that I, who have greatly sinned, main find salvation and be delivered from the punishment to come.

Ode 5. Why have you thrust me.

Ablaze with the zeal of the faith you shut up the clouds that give birth to rain; but, I beg you, Elias, by your sacred mediation water my soul, melted by the flame of pleasures, with divine showers, and save me.

Shown forth as a priest, with guiltless hands you sacrificed the priests of abominations who practised foul deeds; but I beg you, O Prophet, guard me unharmed from every foul sin.

You were declared wonderful, O Prophet, blazing with godly invocations you performed the sacrifices with faith; therefore I beg you unceasingly: set alight in my heart the sacred love that burns up the fuel of my passions.


The Word beyond being came down upon you like rain; entreat him, all-blameless Maiden, to rain pure drops of compunction on me, that will wash away every stain of my numberless evils.

Ode 6. Be gracious to me, Saviour.

Be gracious to me, Saviour, who have foolishly sinned greatly against you, and ransom me from the punishment that awaits me in the world to come, for you have great Elias and your most pure Mother entreating you.

As husbandman of purity keep me pure in soul; as zealous Elias fill my mind with divine zeal, that I may beat off the assaults of wickedness.

You fasted with one food and accomplished a journey of forty days with the help of God. Therefore I implore you: Empower me, O god-bearer, to be master of every transgression.


O gate of God open for my humble soul divine entrances, by which I shall enter with thanksgiving and receive release from evils, O Mother of God.

Ode 7. God�s condescension.

Taking pity on a people that was perishing, glorious Prophet, with zeal of faith and godly invocations you brought down fire that consumed a holy sacrifice. Therefore I implore you: deliver me from the eternal flame and save me.

On mount Thabor you were counted worthy to see the face of God. Beseech him, O Prophet, to overlook my sins and on the day of judgement with soul uncondemned to contemplate his face.

As I journey on life�s road I take up many false paths. Elias, my loving protector, with your protection pilot me, who am shaken by my own inclination and assent to pleasures.


O All-praised, I hymn you and I magnify your pure child-bearing, O full of God�s grace. Help me who am storm-tossed by the waves of life and give to my humble soul compunction that cleanses from stains.

Another. The Chaldean tyrant.

We know you to have been a vessel that contained the Spirit of God; for you, Elias, were an angel on earth who breathed the fire of divine zeal, routed impiety, rebuked kings, anointed prophets and cut off the priests of shame with the sword. And so we cry to you: Deliver us from shame to come.

A chariot of fire took you from earth, Elias inspired by God, ablaze with divine zeal; and so I implore you with the four-horsed chariot of your virtues lighten my mind of the ills on earth; and entreat the God and King of all things that I may reach the winning post in heaven.

With a living word you shut up heaven from giving rain; now with your spiritual word open to me, I beg, the gates of repentance, holy Prophet, sending to my soul showers of compunction, and save me as I cry out: Priests bless, people highly exalt Christ to the ages.

Of the Trinity.

As we honour a Trinity in one Godhead, equal in strength, identical in honour, consubstantial, equal in majesty, we honour Father, Son and Holy Spirit, unsetting ray, might of equal kingship, and we sing with one accord: Priests bless, people highly exalt the Lord to all the ages.


Born from you Emmanuel appeared framing laws of true religion and teaching repentance. Most holy Lady now implore him to open for me gates of righteousness and to save me as I cry out: Priests bless, people highly exalt him to all the ages.

Ode 9. Heaven was amazed.

You were counted worthy to see God in a light breeze, as far it is possible to see him, having before made your body light by an ascetic life, glorious Prophet; therefore I implore you that, lightening the grossness of my mind by your prayers, you would shine on me with divine beams of repentance.

As of old you parted the Jordan with your mantle and crossed over, O all-blessed, so dry up too the streams of my dreadful sins, sending to my soul each day, Prophet who spoke of God, showers of tears, granting me a torrent of delight.

From the many forms of stumbling blocks in life, from lawless foes, every tribulation, bodily disease and perversion of soul, as a loving protector, deliver me by your prayers, glorious Prophet, I cry out to you and from eternal condemnation in Gehenna.

You were snatched up to the height, glorious Elias, leaving behind to Elissaios when he asked double the grace of the Spirit. With him ceaselessly beg victory from heaven and forgiveness of offences for our Sovereign, made rich with you as unashamed protector with the Master.


As you are loving, do not despise the voices of your servants, all-blameless Lady; but insistently beg the Master of all things, O Virgin, to grant trophies of victory to our Sovereign, health of soul and a share in and the splendour of God�s kingdom.

In Our Lady's holy name,
+Fr. Gregory

+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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Thank you Fr. Gregory!
I just like to does one pray the canon in private and in community? Is this like praying the akathist? confused

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It can be prayed in community or privately...either way...and it would be prayed just like an akathist or private daily prayers, in one's Holy Corner or in church if possible.

In Him Who calls us,
+Fr. Gregory

+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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You might also be able to find a novena through the Discalced Carmelites (Roman Catholic) Order. Not sure just where to point you from here.

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Originally posted by Father Gregory:
It can be prayed in community or privately...either way...and it would be prayed just like an akathist or private daily prayers, in one's Holy Corner or in church if possible.

In Him Who calls us,
+Fr. Gregory
Dear Fr. Gregory,
Now I understand a bit. If it is going to be prayed in community, who would be the leader/reader of the odes and the theotokion? Can this be incorporated in the Divine Liturgy? If it is liturgically possible, will it be prayed after the DL or before it? Does this have any opening prayer just like in the Akathist? Thanks!

(who has so many questions) biggrin

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Originally posted by Charitina:
You might also be able to find a novena through the Discalced Carmelites (Roman Catholic) Order. Not sure just where to point you from here.
Greetings, Charitina!
Unfortunately, I can't find one. I myself being a Lay Carmelite biggrin .


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The Canon to St. Elias is complete as it is...there is no opening prayer...unless you wish to begin with a hymn to the Mother of God of Mount Carmel and/or end with a prayer to her. I think it would be an excellent idea to begin with this:

Immaculate Virgin and Queen of Carmel, you are the hope of the suffering and the consolation of the afflicted. Look not upon my sins, but remember only that I am a poor soul redeemed by the Precious Blood of your Son, and that my heart is sealed with your Son, and that my heart is sealed with your holy Scapular. Hear my prayer and if it be for the glory of God, your honor and for the salvation of my soul, grant what I ask in this Novena. Amen.

And end with this prayer:

O Most Holy Mother of Mount Carmel, when asked by a saint to grant privileges to the family of Carmel, you gave assurance of your Motherly love and help to those faithful to you and to your Son.
Behold us, your children.
We glory in wearing your holy habit, which makes us members of your family of Carmel, through which we shall have your powerful protection in life, at death and even after death.
Look down with love, O Gate of Heaven, on all those now in their last agony!
Look down graciously, O Virgin, Flower of Carmel, on all those in need of help!
Look down mercifully, O Mother of our Savior, on all those who do not know that they are numbered among your children.
Look down tenderly, O Queen of All Saints, on the poor souls!
(pause and mention petitions)

O Holy Father Elias, Our Father in Faith, Minister General of Carmel, great Prophet of the Lord, pray unto God for your spiritual children!

The leader who reads/chants the Odes can be anyone whom you choose. I think it would be good to have that person be the person who has the most urgent intention for the Novena...but it can be the 'prayer leader of the week'---what we call the 'Hebdomadary' (Prayer Leader for the Week in a Monastic Community).

In Christ Jesus & His Most Holy Mother,
+Fr. Gregory

+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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Dear Fr. Gregory,
Thank you very much for explaining to me. You are a great help!!! cool Thank you!!! smile

Kissing your right hand and God bless!


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Dear Ruel, +May the LORD bless you together with His Most Holy Mother! You are most was nothing...just some suggestions. You might also use this prayer after:

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

We come to you, Most Holy Mother of God, to praise you and to ask that all those who place themselves under the Mantle of your Protection in the Holy Scapular of Carmel may be clothed in Christ by the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

May we who wear the Scapular put on the Lord Jesus Christ by being living members of the family of Carmel by our prayers, sacrifices, struggles and good works. May we be clothed with your virtues, O Most Holy Virgin Mary, as we listen to the Word of God and live it daily. May we be enlightened in contemplation, joyous in community and most zealous in the service of others in Christ.

O Most Holy Mother of God! By your intercession may we who wear the Scapular lead our lives in such a way that we will always be ready to enter into the assembly of the Saints, wearing the Bridal Clothes of those who rejoice eternally at the Table of the Divine Bridegroom.

For you are the Queen who stands at His Right Hand, whose glory is all within and whose clothing is woven with gold. It is God Himself Who has made your name to be remembered in all generations and His people shall praise you forever! Amen.

(Written by Alexander Roman, Ph.D. especially for Byzantine Carmelites)

P.S. And I love the icon you chose to use as your avatar---it has always been a favorite of mine since high school.

Your brother in the Lord & His Holy Mother,
+Fr. Gregory, who asks for a remembrance in your holy prayers!

+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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Dear Father Gregory,
is the Canon to St. Elijah on a website anywhere to which I can make a link? I think this might be of interest on another messageboard. Thank you for all your posts and prayers! smile

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Your brother in the Lord,
+Fr. Gregory

+Father Archimandrite Gregory, who asks for your holy prayers!
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Dear Friends,

Orthodox pray for 40 days, but novenas are not unheard of.

St Jonah Atamansky of Odessa (+1924) prayed over the bed of a blind girl for nine nights straight - and on the morning of the tenth day, she received her sight.


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