Originally posted by Diak:
I have found that the whole "liberal-trad" conflict in the Roman Church has and continues to polarize and divide, right or wrong. Even with the "trad" communities who are in communion with Rome there seems to be often an elitism and even many of the priests are bitter or very negative about the Novus Ordo.
Vatican II keeps getting dragged through the dirt by traditionalists. It's ridiculous, especially when the Constitution on the Liturgy from Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Comcilium) exhorts the use of Gregorian chant and describes the Liturgy the source and summit of the Christian life.
While I am sympathetic to the traditional liturgical movement, and love sung Latin Masses, I don't think the Low Mass (which was very prevalent in the Roman Church before Vatican II) with a priest mumbling Latin between an altar boy and the congregation far in the distance praying private devotions is what the Church has in mind for "full and conscious participation" of the laity in the Liturgy.[/QB]
A great big AMEN!
I was involved with an ultra traditional schismatic group in Idaho..thanks to my dear departed mother..my she rest in peace.
It ingrained such a we-they attitude that dialog was not even remotely possible.
Thanks be to God, I am now back with Holy Mother Church and, after much study, realize the beauty and necessity of the Mass of Paul Vl.
Satan's best tool is devision where ever, however, in whatever fashion..he cares not as long as it divides!
Your sister in Christ,