Dear Dave,
Well, I am Eastern Catholic and a member of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady, Queen of all Hearts - as is Angela here.
I love reading the works of St Louis de Montfort and see many links to Eastern Marian spirituality in them.
The site: [] often have icons depicting St Louis kneeling and looking very much like St Seraphim of Sarov. (If you go to the reader's comments section on that site, there are some letters from Eastern Catholics, some of them quite good, on relating Montfort to the East).
The practice of wearing little chains is something that Montfort took from the ascetical practice of the East. He read St John Damascene and other Eastern Fathers widely and quotes them regularly ("God inspires devotion to the Mother of God in those whom He wishes to save!")
I've written an Eastern Akathist to "Our Lady of the Rosary" but under the title "the Heavenly Ladder" and in the spirit of Montfort.
For me, the liturgical services of the East confirm, at every turn, what St Louis wrote and practiced.
"I am all Thine, and all I have is Thine, O Lord Jesus, through Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother!"
Slave of Jesus in Mary