t Monthly Quiz


Test your Eastern Churches I.Q.
Please revisit each month for a new quiz.

1. This area became the most significant Marian pilgrimage site for Greek-Catholics in all of Slovakia.
     A. Presov
     B. Lipany
     C. Cervenica
     D. Ljucina

2. The creed found in the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is known as the...
     A. Apostles Creed
     B. Athanasian Creed
     C. Creed of Nicea
     D. Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed

3. Mandatory celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church became normative in...
     A. 303
     B. 1054
     C. 1123
     D. 1520

4. The Greek Orthodox practice of appointing only celibate priests as bishops dates to the...
     A. 4th century
     B. 5th century
     C. 9th century
     D. 12th century

5. After the Jerusalem Church the oldest church is the...
     A. Antiochian
     B. Alexandrian
     C. Roman
     D. Nicea-Constantinopolitan

6. This Marian dogma is a source of contention between some Orthodox and Roman Catholics.
     A. the Virgin Birth
     B. the Assumption
     C. the Immaculate Conception
     D. the Annunciation

7. The Catholic Church is actually a communion of Churches. At present there are this many Churches that comprise the Catholic Church.
     A. 5
     B. 22
     C. 33
     D. 11

8. According to the Orthodox the "last straw" in the Great Schism between Rome and the Orthodox Church was...
     A. the Council of Florence
     B. the insertion of the filioque
     C. the Crusaders plunder of Constantinople in 1204
     D. the establisment of Vatican City

9. The dogma of Papal Infallibility was proclaimed in...

10. After the Council of Florence all the Orthodox bishops signed the agreement with Rome except...
     A. Isidore of Kiev
     B. Mark of Ephesus
     C. Theodore of Mosquetia
     D. Kyril of Moscow

Answers: 1. D-Ljucina     2. D-Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed     3. C-1123     4. B-5th century     5. A-Antiochian     6. C-the Immaculate Conception     7. B-22     8. C-the Crusaders plunder     9. D-1870     10. B-Mark of Ephesus

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