Photo Gallery 2009

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Fr. Selzer Presentation on Byzantine Rite, Oct 2009
The AltarVestmentsFather Speaking
Fr. Gene gives presentation to a group at St. Mathias RCC on the Byzantine Rite and the Divine Liturgy

Bishop John Visits Parish - October 2009
Michael presenting Salt to Bishop JohnMichael presenting Bread to Bishop JohnJenna Presenting Keys to Bishop John
Bishop John is welcomed with traditional gifts of Salt, Bread & Keys, presented by children of our Church
40th Anniversary DisplayWelcome CakeCelebrants
Eprachial Disply on the 40th Anniversary CelebrationWelcoming CakeBishop John and Con-Celebrants
Before the Little EntranceProclaiming the GospelGiving a blessing
Bishop John Celebrating the Divine Liturgy

Declan Curry Baptism, Sep 2009
Declan Immersed in Blessed WaterFr. Blessing Declan1st Communion
Declan is BaptisedFr. Gene Blessing while Mom watchesDeclan Receives 1st Communion
Family ObservingBaptismal FamilyReception
Family ObservingDeclan's Proud FamilyReception

Pascha, 2009
Fr. Gene Proclaiming the Good News
Fr. Gene reading the Bishop's Letter
Ready for BlessingBasket BlessingChildren being Children
Traditional Basket BlessingChildren being Children

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