Photo Gallery 2012

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2012 Pascha
TombFr. Steve on Holy Saturday
Christ EntombedFr. Steve giving Homily on Holy Saturday
Procliming the Gospel on PaschaCelebrants & Server
Fr. Gene & Fr. Steve Proclaiming the GospelOur Celebrants and Server
Basket ready for BlessingPreparing the baskets
Basket for BlessingPreparing the Baskets
Blessing BasketsBlessing Baskets
Frs. Gene & Steve Blessing BasketsFr. Steve Incensing the Baskets
Basket SharingDesert
Bill checking the choicesChristine showing her desert
Basket SharingBasket
Maureen, Mike, Fr Steve & Fr Gene enjoying their foodBob and Dan "Full"
Basket SharingBasketBasket Sharing
Curry Family partaking

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or visit our other annual collections:
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014,