MUNICH, Germany, JULY 11, 2007 ( The president of the German episcopal conference said that "Summorum Pontificum," which expands the use of the 1962 missal, represents an important step for the Church.

Cardinal Karl Lehman said this during a press conference Saturday, the day Benedict XVI's letter, issued "motu proprio," was released.

The cardinal said he was "absolutely convinced that this is a positive step for everyone who loves this kind of Mass and does not want to be swept into a corner as if they belonged to a sect or were doing something abnormal."

"It is not right to negatively label a Mass that the Church used for centuries. Those who tried to and still speak of separation, in reality have not understood anything," he added. "There is no separation, as some people say. There is no gap between pre-conciliar and post-conciliar. There is continuity in the evolution of it that is often overlooked."

In Germany, the cardinal continued, as in other dioceses throughout the world, different groups have requested for some time to be able to celebrate the Mass in Latin according to the old liturgical form.

"Without getting political, the number of Christians, of Catholics, who like the traditional form is not that high," he said. "Obviously, there are also those who adhere to it for different reasons.

"I hope that people on all sides will be able to guide the 'hot heads' toward a more moderate position."

ZE07071105 - 2007-07-11