LORENZO DI CADORE, Italy, JULY 11, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI spent an hour away from his vacation cottage, taking a small trip to the parish Church of Our Lady of Loreto in Lozzo di Cadore to pray the rosary.

The Pope, on vacation in the Alps in northern Italy, left the cottage just before 6:15 p.m. and returned just after 7:15 p.m. His car did not stop to greet the crowds who lined the road hoping for a glimpse of the Pontiff. The Holy Father did wave at them from the window.

According to the spokesman of the Diocese of Belluno-Feltre, Benedict XVI's third day of vacation was spent in "prayer, study and contemplation."

Today, the feast of St. Benedict, a concert was held in honor of the Pope, but he was not able to attend and sent a message with someone from his entourage.

He is scheduled to meet with the priests of the region, Bishop Giuseppe Andrich of Belluno-Feltre told Vatican Radio, but the date has not been confirmed.

ZE07071109 - 2007-07-11