ARLINGTON, Virginia, JULY 12, 2007 ( Many among our youth crave protection from pornography, not access to it, says Bishop Paul Loverde.

Bishop Loverde of Arlington, Virginia, has received many letters responding to his recent pastoral letter, "Bought With a Price: Pornography and the Attack on the Living Temple of God."

"The mail I have received on this issue from Catholics and others around the country gives me hope, even as it confirms the gravity of the threat this scourge poses to us all," Bishop Loverde told the National Catholic Register.

He explained: "The scourge of pornography is an immense multi-billion dollar industry that annually pulls untold numbers of men, women and youth down in its undertow.

"Some letters have brought me to tears; others have filled me with anger at the pornography industry and sorrow at our own human condition, so prone to sin, with the result that we unfortunately even tolerate this evil."

"Still other letters have brought hope," the 66-year-old prelate continued, "as I have learned of the resolve of many to seek real change, the sacrament of confession, accountability and professional healing."

ZE07071204 - 2007-07-12