16.07.2007, [17:34] // Orthodox // RISU.ORG.UA

Kyiv – Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko violates church canons. So said Yurii Yehorov, head of the Orthodox Choice civic group, at a press conference in Kyiv on 16 July 2007.

According to Yehorov, all the national-democratic parties in Ukraine, Our Ukraine, the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, the People’s Movement, and others in their words and acts are anti-Orthodox. “What is the worth of a project for a single national church, about which we often hear from the mouth of our president, when the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church [-Moscow Patriarchate, UOC-MP], which is recognized by world Orthodoxy, is placed on the same level with schismatic structures which, essentially, are not churches?” said Yehorov.

Yehorov noted that Yushchenko often invites to prayer services not only representatives of Orthodox denominations but also Catholics and Protestants. “According to church canons we cannot allow this. For recently the metropolitan of the [UOC-MP] has totally refused to participate in such events.”


• http://ura.dn.ua/16.07.2007/33740.html