VATICAN CITY, JULY 17, 2007 ( Benedict XVI told Shimon Peres, newly-elected president of Israel, that he hopes his presidency will give a decisive impulse to the peace process in the Middle East.

According to an Israeli public radio station, the Pope wrote a letter to Peres, not published by the Holy See, in which the Holy Father emphasized the reputation and achievements of the Israeli leader. Peres received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.

According to the radio report, Benedict XVI said he hoped that Peres is able to influence and give value to other leaders in order to face the challenges that lead to peace.

Achieving peace between Israelis and Palestinians will be the best way to overcome deadly terror and violence, the Pope continued, and he reportedly affirmed in the letter that terrorists are traitors of humanity.

ZE07071706 - 2007-07-17