VATICAN CITY, JULY 17, 2007 ( Benedict XVI sent a message of congratulations for the 40th anniversary of Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla's episcopal ordination. The prelate was Pope John XXIII's personal secretary.

Benedict XVI sent the telegram Monday, to 93-year-old Archbishop Capovilla, signed on his behalf by Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Archbishop Capovilla received episcopal ordination in 1967. He served as bishop of Chieti and then for 17 years as the papal delegate to the shrine of Loreto. He retired to Sotto il Monte, Italy, the birthplace of John XXIII.

Benedict XVI underlined the prelate's long and faithful service to the Church. According to Vatican Radio, the Pope's telegram expressed "lively appreciation for having accomplished many years of fruitful service."

The Holy Father invoked his apostolic blessing upon the archbishop and his loved ones "through the intercession of Blessed Pope John XXIII."

ZE07071708 - 2007-07-17