ROME, JULY 20, 2007 ( South Korea gave the Vatican a digital multimedia broadcasting system to transmit programs offered by Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Center.

The vice minister of information and communications of South Korea, Younghwan Yoo, was received in audience Thursday by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, in order to present the apparatus that will enable the Holy See to broadcast with new digital technology called T-DMB (terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting).

Also present for the event was Pier Carlo Cuscianna, director of telecommunications for the governatorate of Vatican City, and Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Center.

The technology, pioneered by South Korea, is a digital radio transmission system for sending multimedia broadcasts to mobile devices, such as cellular phones, that are equipped with digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB) receivers.

DMB is used mainly in South Korea, but is being tested in several countries, such as Italy. The technology is currently unavailable in North America.

The Vatican will soon broadcast both television and radio programs digitally, and Romans with DMB receivers will be able to receive them.

The South Korean official also gave the Vatican about 100 small DMB receivers.

ZE07072009 - 2007-07-20