BEIRUT, Lebanon, JULY 24, 2007 ( Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir warned that the "inflexibility and obstinacy" of Lebanese politicians' might lead to the country's downfall.

Political difficulties continue to plague Lebanon, still recovering from last July's war between Israel and Hezbollah, hindering much of the needed rebuilding.

The 34-day conflict killed more than 1,200 Lebanese and more than 150 Israelis, while displacing 1 million Lebanese and 300,000-500,000 Israelis.

The 87-year-old Maronite patriarch Sunday urged Lebanese lawmakers to prevent any more divisions on the Lebanese political scene "rather than contribute in creating more conflicts," AsiaNews reported.

The cardinal, while reflecting on the problems that affect the family, applied them to the nation as a whole.

He said: "The nation, which is the great family, suffers the same destructive damages that the family experiences when each of its members is closed-minded and refuses to change opinion even at the cost of dismantling and destroying the fatherland.

"When each group stays on its own position, refusing to budge, it is not a good sign.

"The nation deserves from us a little bit of humility and concessions to achieve the common interests."

ZE07072404 - 2007-07-24