28.12.2007, [09:50] // UOC-MP // RISU.ORG.UA

Kyiv — The Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) is “an autonomous, historical part of the Russian Orthodox Church.” So announced more than 50 bishops of the UOC-MP who gathered for a sobor [assembly] in Kyiv on 21 December 2007. The sobor was considering possible changes to the church’s statutes.

The members of the sobor also looked over addresses to the UOC-MP from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and handed the documents over to the Theological-Canonical Commission of the UOC-MP Synod for detailed study.

The sobor also approved an address of the bishops to the faithful, which says, among other things: “We call all the flock of our church to involvement in the matters of the church and we warn against political involvement.”

Related RISU news and sources:

• http://www.risu.org.ua/eng/news/article;19927/

• http://orthodox.org.ua/uk/aktualne/2007/12/21/2483.html

• http://orthodox.org.ua/uk/node/2487

• http://www.pravoslavye.org.ua/index.php?r_type=news&action=fullinfo&id=18741