On Sunday February 24th at 3:00 p.m. at Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church (14610 S. Will-Cook Road in Homer-Glen), the Ecclesia Men's Choir will perform “Mercy”, a concert of Music for Lent.  Ecclesia is a professional liturgical choir from the Chicago area, directed by Timothy Woods. Chant and polyphony from both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Catholic traditions will be sung. Composers include Bortniansky, Tschiakovsky, Josquin, Faure, and Victoria, as well as acclaimed Chicago composer Kevin Allen.

Gregorian Chant as well as chant of the East and especially chant from the Georgian region of Russia will be performed.  Also on hand will be guest conductors Brian Lavery, James Theorell, and Karl Schudt.

Tickets are $15 and can be ordered by calling 815-806-0066.  Seating is limited, so order tickets soon to insure a place among the beautiful icons of Annunciation parish.

Lincoln Chamber Productions