Theophany 2008 – Bishop Hlib Serves in Dublin! 

by Archimandrite Serge Keleher

Bishop Hlib Blesses IconDublin, 23-Jan-2008 - His Grace Bishop Hlib of Bareta, Apostolic Visitor of Greek-Catholics in Ireland, Italy, and Spain honored his Irish flock with an archpastoral visit to Dublin for the feast of the Holy Theophany and a few days before and after. 

The Bishop arrived from Rome on Thursday, 17 January. Dinner was served to welcome the Bishop at the home of Father Archimandrite and Mr. Pol Ua Bradaigh; Ms Ol'ha Morozova looked after the food. Unfortunately, we were unable to use the chapel on the Vigil, but Bishop Hlib and Father Archimandrite Serge were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mykhaylo Fedenyshyn for the Holy Supper on Friday evening, known as Shchedryi Vechir. Some of the faithful came and sang traditional Ukrainian Theophany carols to welcome His Grace.  

Saturday morning was Holy Theophany. The parishioners raised the Icon-screen in Saint Kevin's Oratory and the Holy Table (which Bishop Hlib had blessed in June 2007). In a photo finish, the Bishop's new Mandyas arrived just in time for the Bishop's entry into the Temple. Before the Bishop's entry, Father Serge baptized Dionysius (Dennis) Romaniv – this was the 146 Baptism in the parish since 1999.

The Bishop was welcomed at the Western Doors as usual, entered the Temple in Mandyas, prayed before the Royal Doors, and solemnly vested after doffing the Mandyas. After vesting, His Grace chrismated the newly-baptized Dionysius. 

Father Christopher, of the Jesuits, had just discovered the Greek-Catholic community; he had taught for two years at the Ukrainian Catholic University in L'viv and knew Bishop Hlib as well. He came to hear Confessions and then joined the Bishop and Father Archimandrite in the Altar. 

The Oratory was filled beyond capacity. After the Prayer Behind the Amvon, Bishop Hlib, the Priests, and the Subdeacons processed to the old Baptistery for the Great Hallowing of Waters; for this service the Bishop used a lovely hand-carved wooden Cross. When the waters had been hallowed, everyone drank some and the Bishop blessed the Temple and the flock assembled for the feast. Ukrainians traditionally like to be blessed with the Holy Water.

After the Great Hallowing of Waters, Bishop Hlib consecrated the newly-painted Icon of Blessed Charles, who had been Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary for the final two years of World War I. Although he never abdicated, he left his dominions voluntarily and lived in poverty for more than five years, rather than submit his people to another war in support of the monarchy. The Icon is a gift from an anonymous donor in the USA; Peadar Laighleis served as "godfather", presenting the Icon to the Bishop for consecration.

[To explain the terminology: a paper reproduction of an icon is blessed with holy water and a simple prayer; only a proper painted Icon can be consecrated with the Holy Chrism.]  

The latter part of the afternoon and the evening hours were spent at Father Archimandrite's, discussing various matters of concern. The Bishop took the occasion to review and sign the Sacramental Register of our parish.

Bishop Hlib Blesss WaterOn Sunday, 20 January, Bishop Hlib again served Pontifical Divine Liturgy; the chapel was comfortably filled. Father Christopher again heard Confessions. After the Liturgy the parish hosted Bishop Hlib and his companions to a pre-New Year Chinese dinner at a favorite restaurant in Blanchardstown.

On Monday, 21 January, Bishop Hlib offered a Requiem Divine Liturgy for the soul of the newly-reposed Patrick Purcell, father of Padraig Purcell, of our Dublin parish. About three dozen faithful attended; the service was sung in Greek, Church-Slavonic, Ukrainian, Irish, and English. After the Divine Liturgy, the Bishop and his companions were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Padraig Purcell.

After dinner, the Bishop returned to his accommodation at the Jesuit Church and reviewed the financial books of our parish, signing the bank statements and financial record book.

On Tuesday, 22 January, His Grace flew back to Rome, where he is preparing the way for the ad limina visit of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Bishops to Pope Benedict XVI. The Dublin parishioners are eagerly awaiting Bishop Hlib's next visit to Ireland. Eis polla eti, Despota!