RISU.org.ua - Anniversary celebrations will be held on 10 th of August, in St. Andrew Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ. Celebrations will include Pontifical Liturgy and Great Blessing of Water, press service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA informs.
As the RISU previously reported, Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine оn the occasion of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine addressed Ukrainians with a message. They encouragedbelievers the of UOC in the Diaspora to hold fast to the faith that given by St. Volodymyr.
"Let us also treasure the Holy Orthodox Faith which has been passed down to us by St. Volodymyr the Great. “Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow.” (Heb 13:7) May our All-merciful Lord, through the prayers of our Enlightener, the Holy Great-prince Volodymyr the Great, strengthen us in the Holy Orthodox Faith, help us overcome all the trials of life so that we would be worthy and faithful children of our native Ukrainian Orthodox Church and our ancestral homeland of Ukraine", reads the message.