Glory Be to Jesus Christ!

Please announce in your parishes and publicize the following information released by the Diocesan Apostolate for Christian Education, regarding the commencement of a new Online- Orthodox Scripture Study on the Gospel of St. John:

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The Diocesan Apostolate For Christian Education is pleased to announce that a weekly on-line  Scripture Study Class on the Gospel of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John  will begin on Saturday September 7, 2013.  The class, led by Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, D. Min, Professor of Sacred Scripture at Christ the Saviour Seminary,  will be  broadcast live every Saturday from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Warren, Ohio.  The  class will begin at 4:45 pm and will last approximately 60 minutes.  The class will conclude for the year in May 2013. Class will be in recess during the Nativity and Theophany as well as the Holy and Bright Week periods.

The Gospel of St. John will be read and discussed  within the context of the patristic mindset of the Church. Emphasis will be placed on both the Gospel's historical context  and application to contemporary life. 

This year's course is the second in an ongoing series of Orthodox Scripture Studies. In the Spring of 2013, a large cadre of students, both on location at St. Nicholas Church and on-line completed anin-depth study of the Gospel of St. Matthew.

There is no charge for participating, however, those who wish to participate must register on-line to enter the class room and access the broadcast link.  Audio and Video recordings of each session will be archived for later study. By registering you will have access to the class bulletin board with the latest schedule and updates as well as other important resources.

Do you attend Vespers and cannot join the class live?  You can view the lecture when convenient for you - lectures will be archived for later viewing. sign up.

This latest on-line offering at theOrthodox On-line Learning Centeris proudly sponsored by theDiocesan Apostolate for Christian Educationin cooperation with theDiocesan Apostolate for Information Technology and Communications.

Diocesan Apostolate for Information Technoology
and Communications
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox
Diocese of the USA
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