CWN - In an interview with Oasis, a journal of the Patriarchate of Venice, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem lamented the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

“The major urgency now is to set straight the religious discourse of so many imams who, from within their mosques, preach violence against non-Muslims,” said Patriarch Fouad Twal.

“We Christians are a bit spoiled,” he continued. “Right at the first signs of danger it is easy to pack the suitcases, knowing that we will be welcomed in Western countries. Certain factors encourage us to do that, namely, that other Christians have succeeded economically in the diaspora. But let me repeat that if the land of the Middle East is really dear to us, it should be for better and for worse.”

“We are dramatically concerned about the US threats to attack Syria,” he added. “The Syrian bishops emphasize that the persecution of Christians by rebels is an objective reality.”

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