CWN - The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch has told the AsiaNews service that it has no word on the condition of 12 nuns who were kidnapped last week, and questioned the authenticity of a video in which the nuns said they were unharmed and undisturbed by their captors.
Orthodox officials said that they were concerned about the fate of the women religious, who were seized on December 4. There had been rumors that the captives would be released on December 9, but Church officials report that they have heard nothing from the kidnappers.
Orthodox Metropolitan Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh of Homs and Hama called for “the immediate release of the nuns, who have done no harm to anyone.” Speaking to Aid to the Church in Need, he confirmed that there has been “no communication” with the captives, and expressed his fear that the kidnappers seized apolitical nuns because they “want to demonstrate that they show no mercy.”
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