In his comments to the Information Department, the Secretary of the UGCC Synod of Bishops, Most Rev. Bohdan (Dziurakh) said that, “against the background of the events of recent months, it has become obvious that a battle is underway between the powers of good and evil, the children of light and darkness. Various weapons are being employed in this battle. Not only firearms, but also the weapon of words.” - In his view, “twisted truth, half-truth, or even a blatant lie inflicts more devastation on souls than a grenade exploding on the battlefield.”

“The world needs to know the truth. The truth liberates. Sometimes the impression is created that when confronted with the massive attack of the powers of darkness from the East, that strives to spread their shameless lies in western news media, that the word of truth is overshadowed and extinguished”, the Bishop stated. However, in reality, “truth is stronger than the greatest massif of deception and lies, and, albeit with difficulty, it will certainly make it’s a way to the minds and the hearts of the citizens of the global community”.    

Bishop Bohdan believes that Ukrainians can and should become, “preachers of truth in the media of the West, in order to bear witness to the truth that liberates; and to warn people of good will as to the consequences of that which is happening now in Ukraine right before the eyes of a world society that is “greatly concerned” but is often not sufficiently active.”        

The Bishop thinks that It should not only be the Ukrainians of Ukraine that have a strong word of truth to say about this situation, but representatives from the Ukrainian diaspora as well as objective world observers and analysts. “Only by good and truth will peace be restored in our country and will global harmony be confirmed…. a harmony that was shaken from safety as a consequence of the illegal actions of our neighbour to the North”.

Information Department UGCC