CWN - The Conference of Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions has issued a statement in support of the international community’s use of “proportionate force” to protect ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East.
Decrying “the sufferings of our people in Gaza, Syria and Iraq,” as well as “those in Yemen and Somalia,” the bishops said that “violence in the name of religion cannot be used against anyone because every human person has a right to be respected regardless of religious affiliation, ethnic or minority status.”
“At this point, we wish to acknowledge the role of Churches and its agencies in the distribution of humanitarian aid no matter what religion the people belong to, as well as the heroism of many Muslims in condemning religious radicalism and defending persecuted minorities at the risk of their own life,” they continued.
“The right of the oppressed to self-defense must be protected and to support the international community in the use of proportionate force to stop aggression and injustice against ethnic and religious minorities,” the bishops added in their October 4 statement.
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