- On 27 May 2015, the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Youngstown, Ohio (USA) welcomed over 300 students (grades K through 8), their teachers and some of the children’s family members from St. Rose Catholic School in Girard, Ohio. Upon their arrival to the church, they were greeted by Father Lubomyr Zhybak, pastor of the Holy Trinity Church and Deacon Donald Billy, who assists Fr. Lubomyr in the parish.

After everyone was seated in the church, Fr. Lubomyr heartily welcomed, on behalf of his parishioners and himself, all the guests, who were accompanied by the President of the school, Pastor of St. Rose Roman Catholic Church and the Chancellor of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Rev. Msgr. John Zuraw, as well as the school’s Principal, Mrs. Linda Borton. Fr. Lubomyr briefly familiarized everyone with the history of the Eastern Churches with the particular emphasis on the Ukrainian Catholic Church. During his talk he likewise explained the major differences between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, stressing that either Western or Eastern Church’s Tradition is neither superior nor inferior to the other, but both are different and beautiful approaches to one and the same faith. Using the famous expression of the holy Pope John Paul II, “the Church must breathe with her two lungs”: of the East and of the West (Ut Unum Sint, 54).

Following Fr. Lubomyr’s presentation, the school community took part in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, presided over by the Holy Trinity Church’s pastor with the assistance of Deacon Billy. After the Liturgy was over, Fr. Lubomyr asked the students whether their classes had been cancelled that morning due to the visit to the church in Youngstown, to which they replied yes. “This means that you have to come to visit us more often then,” said Fr. Lubomyr, which put smile on people’s faces. Before the guests departed, Msgr. Zuraw, on behalf of the entire community of St. Rose School, thanked Fr. Lubomyr and his parishioners for the invitation to visit their church that was followed by a jovial round of applauses. All the guests likewise received some memorabilia from the visit to the church.

Department of Information of the UGCC