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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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29 July 2012
After the Angelus
Dear brothers and sisters,
I continue to follow with concern the tragic and growing episodes of violence in Syria with the sad sequence of deaths and injuries, even among civilians, and a large number of internally displaced persons and refugees in neighbouring countries. I ask for these to be ensured the necessary humanitarian assistance and joint help. In renewing my closeness to the suffering people and remembrance in prayer, I renew an urgent appeal for an end to all violence and bloodshed. I ask God for wisdom of heart, especially for those who have more responsibility, because no effort should be spared in the quest for peace, including by the international community through dialogue and reconciliation, with a view to the proper political settlement of the conflict.
My thoughts also turn to the beloved nation of Iraq in recent days affected by numerous and serious attacks which have caused many deaths and injuries. May this great country find the path of stability, reconciliation and peace!
Cari fratelli e sorelle,
continuo a seguire con apprensione i tragici e crescenti episodi di violenza in Siria con la triste sequenza di morti e feriti, anche tra i civili, e un ingente numero di sfollati interni e di rifugiati nei Paesi limitrofi. Per questi chiedo che sia garantita la necessaria assistenza umanitaria e l'aiuto solidale. Nel rinnovare la mia vicinanza alla popolazione sofferente ed il ricordo nella preghiera, rinnovo un pressante appello, perché si ponga fine ad ogni violenza e spargimento di sangue. Chiedo a Dio la sapienza del cuore, in particolare per quanti hanno maggiori responsabilità, perché non venga risparmiato alcuno sforzo nella ricerca della pace, anche da parte della comunità internazionale, attraverso il dialogo e la riconciliazione, in vista di un'adeguata soluzione politica del conflitto. Il mio pensiero si rivolge anche alla cara Nazione irachena, colpita in questi ultimi giorni da numerosi e gravi attentati che hanno provocato molti morti e feriti. Possa questo grande Paese trovare la via della stabilità, della riconciliazione e della pace.
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Prot. 358/2012 Damascus, 27 July 2012
To our brother bishops, members of our Holy Synod in the Middle East and throughout the whole world!
To our sons and daughters: priests, monks, nuns, and Greek Catholic faithful!
May "the Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!" (Philippians 4: 7)
Dear brothers and sisters!
Once again Christians and Muslims are fasting and praying at the same time. That is one of the most beautiful marks and signs of their living together in solidarity.
So Muslims have begun the fast of the honourable month of Ramadan (that lasts this year from 20 July to 18 August.)
In a few days, Christians will begin the fast or abstinence of the Dormition of the Mother of God, from 1 until 15 August. This fast is a summer fast. There is first the autumn fast that precedes the Nativity (40 days). Then follows Great Lent or the winter fast (40 to 50 days), before the Feast of the Resurrection or Great Feast, and the spring or Apostles' fast (20 to 25 days), in June.
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RISU.ORG.UA - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has a new bishop. Pope Benedict XVI nominated the rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak as Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainians in France and appointed him as Titular Bishop of Carcabia. This is officially informed by the Vatican Press Service.
The new bishop will be the Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainians in France (Exarchate also includes Belgium, Nederland, Luxemburg, and Switzerland. The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the office by Bishop Mykhail Hrynchyshyn.
Bishop-nominee Borys (Gudziak) will be 49 the bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
Fr. Borys Gudziak was born in Siracuse (USA) in 1960 and ordained as a priest in 1998. His PhD in Byzantine and Slavic studies got in Harvard University.
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CWN - The Chaldean Catholic bishop of Aleppo—Syria’s largest city—says fear is widespread that Christians there will be attacked.
“If they come in around our churches and round our bishopric, just as they did in Homs, it will be disastrous for us,” said Bishop Antoine Audo, SJ.
120,000 Christians fled Homs, the nation’s third-largest city, following attacks by rebel factions during the spring.
“If they went into the Christian areas, it would be very bad,” Bishop Audo added. “The fear of Christians is particularly strong. We are a minority. Always we are threatened.”
“What can we do to protect the people? We do not have any possibility to do that.”
“When I am asked which side do I support, I always answer, ‘I am on the side of my country,’” he continued. “I am doing whatever I can to save Syria, this lovely country of ours.”
“What we need is your prayers for all of us. This is a very dangerous time. People are very fearful.”
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CWN - Thousands of families are leaving Syria to escape the escalating violence there, and pouring into refugee camps in Lebanon, Catholic relief workers report.
More than 47,000 people—predominantly women and children—have sought refuge in tents and makeshift huts near the border, reports Father Simon Faddoul, the head of Caritas Lebanon. Only a small minority of the refugees are Christians; most as Sunni Muslims, leaving homes in the northern provinces where rebels are most active.
To date the Lebanese government has refused to recognize official refugee camps. So Caritas Lebanon is helping the displaced families find temporary shelter and food.
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CWN - Melkite Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham heatedly denies charges that Church leaders in Syria have acted as apologists for the Assad regime, insisting that the Syrian Church has worked independently for peace and justice.
The Melkite patriarch said that he has never pressure from the government to take any political stand. “The state and its leaders have never suggested or invited pastors to make a declaration or adopt a certain position,” he said. “The freedom of pastors has been guaranteed everywhere to date, both in behavioral terms and in terms of public and private declarations.”
Patriarch Laham encouraged Church leaders to continue speaking out against violence and bloodshed. While some rebel leaders in Syria have dismissed the calls for peace as a pretext for upholding the status quo, the Syrian prelate said that the Church’s stand reflects the desires and needs of the common people in Syria, who bear the costs of the fighting.
“We will not allow anyone to speak on our behalf or on behalf of the Christians in Syria, to manipulate our statements in order to make accusations of any time against us,” the Patriarch said.
In a related development the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE) issued a statement expressing “great apprehension and profound sadness at the escalating violence in Syria,” and calling for further efforts to end the hostilities.
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