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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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Prot. 141/2012
March 2012
Dear friends:
I have been witnessing the difficult situation of an ever-growing number of people in different localities, especially in the Homs district, in the Damascus suburbs and elsewhere.
That is due to the tragic events that Syria has been experiencing over the last year (March 2011-March 2012). Many have had to leave their towns, villages, houses and estates. We have had refugees in Damascus, in our monasteries and in other localities.
Moved by our pastoral responsibility and by the love of Christ which constrains us, we, with our brother in Christ, H. B. Ignatius IV (Hazim), Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, have formed an emergency committee to help our brothers and sisters in need, without distinction between Muslims and Christians.
We began this activity as early as mid-February 2012. We have already distributed over two thousand parcels, each to the value of $50 worth of food, milk, blankets etc., according to need.
The list of the names of families is growing by the day. Priests and lay-people give us these names. We are receiving local aid from both Christians and Muslims.
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Beirut March 19 2012
Dear Friends
Back in my patriarchate in Damascus, I thank the Lord for the trip I made across Europe, in which I was able to visit Berlin, Paris, London, Strasbourg, the Vatican and Rome.
I have pleasure in providing an outline of the main topics I shared with you during my visit in March.
1. Personal initiative as Patriarch
My pilgrimage of peace was a message for peace, reconciliation, conciliation, security, stability, dialogue, calm, wisdom, the discourse of reason and acceptance of others.
My pilgrimage of peace was a completely private initiative, the result of a personal decision. I represent only myself and no-one else. I was not asked to take this step.
I was representing myself and our Church.
So this was a peace pilgrimage based on my position as Patriarch, who is pater et caput – no empty titles, but the expression and translation of my representative position as churchman, Syrian national and person with the conviction of responsibility to his country and Church, persuaded of his solidarity with all his fellow-citizens, not only of Syria, but all Arab countries.
I am responsible before God and my conscience, to my people, the Christian faithful and our Muslim fellow-citizens. The faithful come to me and other bishops and priests every day. We are responsible for all these faithful (350 000 Melkite Greek Catholics out of 2 million Christians in Syria and 800 000 Melkite Greek Catholics in all Arab countries altogether). Our faithful seek my help.
We are witnessing the start of chaos as the events drag on.
If things continue as they are doing, if chaos continues to reign, where will Muslim and Christian Syrians go? Muslim and Christian Syrians are alike in great danger.
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Love is stronger than death: whosoever loves does not die
Love is stronger than death. Whosoever loves does not die!
That is the cry of the feast of the glorious Resurrection! That is the real meaning of the immortal Resurrection hymn, “Christ is risen!” Christ whose glorious Resurrection we are celebrating and who is the object of our faith. “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15: 17) He it is of whom John the Evangelist, the beloved, said, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16)It is he who said: “He who believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” (John 11: 25)He it is who said: “He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”(John 7 : 38)
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the sign of the victory of his love, the triumph of life over death. That is what Saint John Chrysostom said in his Paschal Sermon, that we read aloud: “Let no one fear death, for the Saviour's death has set us free. O death, where is thy sting? O Hell, where is thy victory? Christ is risen and thou art overthrown! Christ is risen and life reigns.”
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On 26 March 2012, Patriarch Gregorios III presided at the funeral of the former Superior General of the Basilian Salvatorian Order (1989-95), former Patriarchal Vicar for Tyre (1985-8) and long-time parish priest of Beit Sahour in Palestine, Archimandrite Boulos (Paul) Samaha BS.
Patriarch Gregorios then went to Bkerkeh for a meeting of the Eastern Catholic Patriarchs.
Later the same day, he met with Italian Minister for International Co-operation and Integration Andrea Riccardi and the Italian Ambassador to Lebanon Giuseppe Morabito in Rabweh.
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Bkerkeh, Lebanon - A Muslim-Christian summit was held on 25 March 2012, the Feast of the Annunciation and coincidentally the name-day and election anniversary of Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai at Bkerkeh, the Maronite Patriarchal headquarters, in the presence of all religious leaders of the country and members of the Muslim-Christian steering committee for dialogue.
Patriarch Gregorios III attended, representing the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. He had marked the Feast of the Annunciation by celebrating the Divine Liturgy in the morning with the superior general of the Aleppine Fathers and priests in the monastery of the Aleppine Sisters at Zeraya.
The holding of the summit was of considerable significance for Lebanon and the region, as it brought together Muslims, Druze and Christians.
The spiritual leaders emphasised the importance of coexistence among Lebanese, a coexistence which should serve as a model for the region’s countries.
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An ecumenical service was held on Wednesday, 21 March in St. Cyril’s Church in al-Qassa neighbourhood in Damascus for the souls of Syria's victims of conflict, including those killed in the bombings in Damascus last Saturday.
Patriarch Gregorios III of Antioch and All the East, in a brief address, expressed the hope that this cycle of violence would not persist and called all Syrians to resort to dialogue, reconciliation, repentance and calm to preserve unity and vanquish enmity. He also exhorted Syrians to pray for the preservation of Syria and its people, stressing the importance of dialogue to promote the process of renewal and change and emerge from violence.
His Beatitude also stressed the importance of heeding the calls for reforms, noting that this has already begun as the new constitution is a step forward. He voiced confidence in Syrians' ability to lead reform on their own and achieve their own democracy, freedom and dignity with the participation of all groups.
Patriarch Gregorios noted that during his recent European Peace Pilgrimage, he informed the Pope, and heads of episcopal conferences in Europe and government officials of ways in which they could help to eliminate violence, informing them that Syrian Christians are affected by whatever happens to other Syrians.
He stressed that the role of Christians in Syria and the region during these difficult circumstances is to be peace-makers and bridge-builders, working diligently to preserve the peace and unity of Syria and the Arab world.