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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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18 October 2011, 10:43 |
Kyiv - According to the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav, the dialogue between the Moscow Patriarchate and UGCC is necessary but “not in order for one side to make some sacrifices, for in that case, it will never happen.” So stated the patriarch in an in terview to Святослав_(Шевчук).jpgGalinfo.
“We live at the time when such meetings should not become something sensational, meetings of compromises, giving up or gaining positions. In my opinion, such meetings will exactly serve to get to know each other, remove certain prejudices existing as remnants of the past. Such meetings are badly needed to heal our wounds of the past. Therefore, at one time, His Beatitude John Paul II and now, the Holy Father Benedict XVI made numerous statements of readiness for such meetings,” noted Patriarch Sviatoslav.”
In particular, the head of UGCC noted that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church wears in its body many wounds inflicted by the Lviv pseudo-sobor which resulted in the proclamation of the liquidation of this Church by the Stalin’s regime. “Obviously, such meetings will help us to make the way for mutual reconciliation. For without the mutual reconciliation, healing of our memory, I can see no healthy and constructive future,” noted the hierarch.
However, according to Patriarch Sviatoslav, Moscow Patriarchate now shows “complete unpreparedness for such meetings.”
- Details The head of the Coptic Catholic Church has paid tribute to the dozens of Coptic Christians recently slain by security forces during a peaceful protest.
“With wounded hearts, we…express our deep sorrow for the bloody events suffered by honest and sincere children of the nation,” said Patriarch Antonios I Naguib. “They wanted to contribute to the country’s democratic process with peaceful demonstrations like hundreds of other citizen groups.”
“While condemning again all acts of violence, we call on officials to… provide security and safety and uphold the law’s supremacy and ensure the objectivity of the media,” he added. “We have full confidence that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the government and the judiciary are able to lead the country to stability and security, ensuring the well-being and dignity of all its citizens.”
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JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The Diocesan Apostolate For Christian Education is pleased to announce that a weekly on-line Scripture Study Class on the Gospel of St. Matthew will begin on Saturday November 5, 2011. The class, led by Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, D. Min, Professor of Sacred Scripture at Christ the Saviour Seminary, will be broadcast live every Saturday from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Warren, Ohio. The class will begin at 4:45 pm and will last approximately 60 minutes. The class will conclude for the year on May 19, 2012.
The Gospel of St. Matthew will be read and discussed within the context of the patristic mindset of the Church. Emphasis will be placed on both the Gospel's historical context and application to contemporary life.
There is no charge for participating, however, those who wish to participate must register on-line to enter the class room and access the broadcast link. Audio and Video recordings of each session will be archived for later study.
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NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announces today an agreement with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey regarding the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo invited Archbishop Demetrios and the Hierarchs of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, together with leadership of the St. Nicholas Parish and the Archdiocesan Council to his New York City office for the official signing of the agreement by Archdiocesan Council Vice-Chairman Michael Jaharis and Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward. Archbishop Demetrios and Governor Cuomo signed as the formal witnesses to the agreement.
Archbishop Demetrios expressed particular praise for Governor Cuomo and said, “We are grateful to our esteemed Governor and precious friend Andrew Cuomo for bringing to reality the dream we have nourished for ten long years. St. Nicholas Church, rising again with the help of God at Ground Zero - where it stood spiritually important for 85 years, is an affirmation of the significance of religious freedom and experience for all New Yorkers and all Americans. The covenant stands firm. We will again light many candles in the new St. Nicholas Church and remember those who were lost to us, and those heroes who so nobly sacrificed their lives. Our pledge is to be a witness for all New Yorkers, that freedom of conscience and the fundamental human right of free religious expression will always shine forth in the resurrected St. Nicholas Church.” The Archbishop also expressed deep appreciation to Michael Jaharis and Dennis Mehiel and the other members of the joint committee who had labored so diligently to accomplish this historic agreement.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said, “We lost St. Nicholas Church in the destruction of September 11 and for too long its future has been uncertain. Rebuilding St. Nicholas Church, with a nondenominational bereavement center, is not just good news for the Greek Orthodox community, but for all New Yorkers. With this agreement, we are continuing New York’s collective healing, restoration, and resurgence. Now we are finally returning this treasured place of reflection to where it belongs.”
According to the Port Authority Press Release, “The agreement … permits the rebuilding of the Church with a nondenominational bereavement center at the east end of Liberty Park, at 130 Liberty Street. The agreement follows a four-month independent engineering study commissioned by the Port Authority and the Archdiocese, which found that the Church could be built on the site with minor modifications to the original plan and with no impact on the World Trade Center construction schedule.”
8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 * Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0237 - Email:
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10-25 OCTOBER 2011
8:00 PM Arrival at Maiquetía of H.B. on AMERICAN AIRLINES flight N° 903. Official welcome at V.I.P Lounge at Simón Bolívar International Airport by representatives of Church and State.
Official Visits.
1:00 PM Lunch: at the Egyptian Ambassador’s Residence
7:00 PM Reception at the Syrian Ambassador’s Residence (Prado Del Este district).
9:30 AM After breakfast at the Hotel, to TURMERO
11:00 AM Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Akathist Hymn and laying the Foundation Stone of the “Public Dining Hall” of the said Chapel – Lunch.
3:30 PM Visit to the SAINT ELIAS Old People’s Religious Centre and then to the HOTEL PIPO
6: 00 PM Solemn Mass at the Cathedral of The Assumption of Our Lady, San Jacinto district.
Supper: Syrian-Venezuelan Centre of Maracay.
10:00 AM To BARQUISIMETO. Lunch en route: Bejuma
7:00 PM Divine Liturgy at La Coromoto Parish, Bararida suburb.
9:00 PM Supper at the Syrian-Venezuelan Club.
9:00 AM Visit to the sanctuary of “THE DIVINE SHEPHERD”
To Valencia.
1:00 PM Vespers in the Antiochian Orthodox Church of Saint George in the el Prebo district.
Lunch at the Syrian-Venezuelan Club.
Return to Caracas: Eurobuilding Hotel
10:00 AM Going up El Ávila, lunch in Galipán.
Return to the Eurobuilding Hotel.
7:30 PM Reception and supper (private).
1:00 PM Visit to the Maronite Fathers’ Monastery of Saint Sharbel and Lunch, Eurobuilding Hotel
6: 00 PM Divine Liturgy at St. George’s Cathedral (Montalbán II).
8:00 PM Toast for the whole Community.
(Arrival at Maiquetía of the Melkite Greek Catholic Bishops of Brazil, Canada and the United States)
Official Visits.
1:00 PM Syrian-Venezuelan Women’s Union Lunch, (Quinta Esmeralda).
7:30 PM Supper at the Residence of the Lebanese Ambassador.
Official Visits: Among others, to the Embassy of Palestine.
1:30 PM Lunch at the Residence of the Syrian Ambassador.
4:00 PM Visit to the Antiochian Greek Orthodox church of SAINT ANTONY the Abbot,
el Paraíso.
7:30 PM Supper in Saint George’s Church Hall, Montalbán.
1:30 PM Lunch (private)
7:30 PM Solemn Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Carmel
9:00 PM Supper in the Arab Home.
1:30 PM Lunch at the Cumanagoto Hotel
7:30 PM Solemn Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
9:00 PM Supper at the Syrian-Venezuelan Club.
Venetur Hotel
11:00 AM Press conference
Lunch and meeting of the Bishops of the Expansion
Subject to be discussed “The New Evangelisation.”
9:00 PM Supper at the Syrian Venezuelan Centre of Puerto la Cruz, offered by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
Breakfast (private)
Visit by yacht to the Isle of Mochima, lunch.
Supper (private).
11:00 AM Divine Liturgy for the Consecration of the Church of Saint George, Puerto La Cruz.
1:30 PM Lunch offered by the Saint George’s Parish Council.
Supper (private).
Flight to Caracas
1:30 PM Visit to the Armenian Apostolic Church of Saint Gregory, Lunch
4:00 PM Visit to the Apostolic Nunciature.
8:00 PM Visit to the Syrian-Venezuelan Club of Caracas,Supper offered by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS
12:00 PM Departure of His Beatitude from the Simón Bolívar International Airport.
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NEW YORK – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America met yesterday with the Consistory of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Archdiocese Headquarters in New York City. The Consistory requested the meeting from the Archbishop who is the Locum Tenens for the Diocese since the passing of the late Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos earlier this year. The members are Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Chancellor; Protopresbyter Michael S. Rosco, Vice Chancellor; Protopresbyter Ronald A. Hazuda; Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka; Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger; Protopresbyter Mark Leasure, and Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky. Protopresbyter Mark Arey of the Department of Inter-Orthodox Relations, was also present in the meeting. Following the meeting, the Consistory attended a luncheon hosted by the Archbishop.
This meeting is the second of its kind since the repose of the late Metropolitan. Among the items for discussion were the following: the search for a new presiding bishop for the Diocese, administrative issues affecting various parishes, and representation of the Diocese at the celebrations at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in honor of His All Holiness’s Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s 20th Anniversary of election and enthronement as Ecumenical Patriarch. Archbishop Demetrios offered thanks the Consistory for their offering of stable, decisive stewardship during this season of “widowhood” of the Diocese. The Archbishop also offered a substantial contribution to the two Carpatho-Russian parishes affected by the recent floods in New Jersey. For their part, the clergy of the Consistory expressed their gratitude to the Archbishop for his leadership, generosity and pastoral care for the Diocese.
8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 * Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0237 - Email:
Stavros Papagermanos
Date: October 5, 2011