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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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27.05.2009, [16:40] // UGCC //
UZHHOROD—On 26 May, 2009, commenced the events to mark the 60th anniversary of the forced liquidation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) in Zakarpattia [Trans-Carpathian] Region, the 20th anniversary of the emergence of the UGCC from the underground, and the moving of the relics of the Blessed Teodor Romzha. The first event, held in the Uzhhorod Spiritual Seminary, was an international conference titled “Persecuted Church.”
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Rome - Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of Bishop Slavomir Miklovš from the pastoral governance of the Eparchy of Križevci for the faithful of the Byzantine rite in Croatia. Bishop Slavomir turned 75 earlier this month and is resigning for reasons of age, in accordance with CCEO can. 210 § 1. It was Bishop Slavomir who ordained the future Archbishop Cyril Vasiľ to the priesthood in 1987.
The Pope has named Father Nikola Kekić as the new Bishop of Križevci for the faihful of the Byzantine rite in Croatia. Father Nikola is currently Rector of the Greek Catholic Seminary of Zagreb and Parish Priest of the Co-Cathedral of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius.
Biography of the new Bishop
Father Nikola Kekić was born on January 17, 1943, at Stari Grad in Croatia.
Having attended elementary school in Sošice and a Franciscan high school in Zagreb, he studied philosophy and theology at the Zagreb School of Catholic Theology and at the Pontifical University Urbaniana, where he received a bachelor's degree in Theology.
From 1983 to 1986 he studied at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, earning a licence in Church History.
He was ordained priest on November 1, 1970, by Archbishop Miroslav Stefan Marusyn.
Following his ordination he served as Parish Priest of Mrzlo Polje; Director of the Greek Catholic Spirituality Center at Karlovac; Parish Priest of Pribić; Vice-Rector of the Greek catholic Seminary of Zagreb and at the same time Parish Priest of the Co-Cathedral of St. Cyril and St. Methodius; since 1990 he has been Rettore of the Seminary as well as Parish Priest of the Con-Cathedral.
He knows Croat, Italian, German and Ukrainian.
"Rinuncia del Vescovo di Križevci per i fedeli di rito bizantino (Croazia) e nomina del Successore", Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office, May 25, 2009.
"Bishop Slavomir Miklovš", The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
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As we already reported, on May 12, 13 and 14, 2009, the regular annual Meeting of Eastern Catholic Hierarchs of Europe took place on the premises of the Uzhhorod Seminary of Blessed Martyr Bishop Teodor (Romzha) (CHOCE – Conventus Hierarcharum Orientalium Catholicorum Europae). The theme of this year’s meeting was the sacrament of priesthood in canonical, pastoral, patristic and biblical views.
The meeting began on Tuesday, May 12, with an introductory session. A letter of welcome, sent by His Eminence Leonardo Cardinal Sandri, Prefect of Congregation for the Oriental Churches, who in these days was accompanying the Holy Father on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was read to the participants. In the letter, talking about the theme of this year’s meeting, the author, in particular, noted: «I am sincerely glad that precisely this is the theme of your reflection. In fact it is extraordinarily appropriate and relevant, because it brings all the Eastern Catholic Churches of the European continent into the context of the celebration of the year of priestly vocations that was proclaimed for the whole Catholic Church by the Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Benedict XVI.» Later His Excellency Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, welcomed the participants of the meeting.
Then the working sessions started, the first of which included a lecture by Archimandrite Manuel' (Nin), rector of the Pontifical Greek College. The theme of his lecture was the theological and liturgical aspects of the sacrament of priestly ordination. The evening of the first day all the participants of the meeting celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Holy Dormition of the city of Khust. It was led by Reverend Ihor (Voznyak), Archbishop of Lviv, and a sermon with the eloquent title «In the house of Peter there is room for all» was given by Reverend Bishop Bohdan (Dzyurakh), auxiliary bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy.
The next day started with a lecture of Fr. Vasyl Cyril, who recently was proclaimed the Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, simultaneously elevating him to the dignity of archbishop and granting him the titular see of Tolemaida, Lebanon. The reverend official representative of the mentioned dicasterium of the Roman curia read before the gathered participants a lecture about priesthood as cooperation between eparchial bishops and priests. After a lively discussion of this lecture, the participants continued work in small study groups.
The Divine Liturgy was this day celebrated in Mukachevo, the Cathedral of the Holy Dormition. It was led by Reverend Bishop Milan (Sasik), Apostolic Administrator «Ad nutum Sanctae Sedis» of the Eparchy of Mukachevo of the Byzantine rite, and a deeply spiritual sermon pronounced by Reverend Bishop Peter (Rusnak), bishop of Bratislava for Catholics of the Byzantine rite.
On the last day, May 14, a lecture was read to the participants of the meeting about the priesthood of St. Paul the Apostle (Fr. Robert Yager, city of Presov, Slovakia). Consequently the participants welcomed His Eminence Peter Cardinal Erdo, Head of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe (CCEE). The distinguished guest acquainted the participants of the meeting with the structure and activity of the organization headed by him and answered the questions of participants of the conference, and consequently pronounced a lecture on the theme «Freedom, religious support and reciprocity between Christian confessions.»
In the afternoon the participants of this year’s meeting were present at the opening in the city of Uzhhorod of a monument devoted to the anniversary of the exit from the underground of the Mukachevo Eparchy. Consequently in the local cathedral a Divine Liturgy took place, led by Reverend Bishop Jan (Babyak), Archbishop Metropolitan of Presov (Slovakia), and Reverend Bishop Vasile (Bizau) of the Curia of the Major Archbishopric of Blazh (Romania) preached.
This year’s meeting gathered a record amount of participants, 37, from 13 countries of Europe. Thus, present were:
1.1 Ukraine
His Beatitude Lubomyr
Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych
The Most Reverend Bishop Ihor (Voznyak)
Archbishop of Lviv for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Yulian (Voronovskyj)
Bishop of Sambir and Drohobych for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Milan (Sasik)
Apostolic Administrator «ad nutum Sanctae Sedis» Eparchy of Mukachevo Byzantine rite
Reverend Bishop Stepan (Meniok)
Exarch of Donets’k-Kharkiv of the Major Archbishopric
Reverend Bishop Vasyliy (Semenyuk)
Administrator of the Ternopil-Zboriv Eparchy for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Volodymyr (Viytyshyn)
Bishop of Ivano-Frankivs’k for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Sofron (Mudryj)
Bishop-emeritus of Ivano-Frankivs’k for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Mykolay (Simkaylo)
Bishop of Kolomyja and Chernivtsi for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna)
Bishop of the Curia of the Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych
Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Ireland
Reverend Bishop Vasyliy (Ivasiuk)
Exarch of Odesa and Crimea of the Major Archbishopric
Reverend Bishop Bohdan (Dziurakh)
Auxiliary bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy
Reverend Bishop Yaroslav (Pryriz)
Auxiliary bishop of the Sambir and Drohobych Eparchy for Ukrainians
Reverend Bishop Josaphat (Hovera)
Exarch of Luts’k of the Major Archbishopric
Reverend Bishop Taras (Senkiv)
Auxiliary bishop of the Eparchy of Stryj for Ukrainians
Reverend Father Dmytro (Hryhorak)
Apostolic Administrator «ad nutum Sanctae Sedis» of the Eparchy of Buchach for Ukrainians
Reverend Father Yosyf (Milyan)
Auxiliary bishop-elect of the Kyiv Archeparchy
1.2 Italy
Reverend Bishop Erkolye (Lupinacci)
Bishop of Lungru of Italo-Albanians of continental Italy
Reverend Bishop Soter (Ferrara)
Bishop of Piana Delli Albanesi Sicily
Reverend Bishop Dionisiy (Liakhovych)
Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Italy and Spain
Highly Reverend Archimandrite Emilian (Fabricatore)
Abbot of the territorial abbey of Saint Mary in Grottaferrata
1.3 Slovakia
The Most Reverend Bishop Yan (Babyak)
Archbishop-metropolitan of Presov for Byzantine rite Catholics
Reverend Bishop Milan (Khavtur)
Bishop of Cochise for Byzantine rite Catholics
Reverend Bishop Peter (Rusnak)
Bishop of Bratislava for Byzantine rite Catholics
1.4 Czech Republic
Reverend Bishop Ladyslav (Huchko)
Apostolic Exarch for Byzantine rite Catholics in the Czech Republic
1.5 Hungary
Reverend Bishop Philip (Kichis)
Bishop of Hajdudorog for Byzantine rite Catholics of all Hungary,
Apostolic Administrator «ad nutum Sanctae Sedis» Apostolic Exarchate of Mishkoltsu for Byzantine rite Catholics in Hungary
1.6 Greece
Reverend Bishop Dumitros (Salakhas)
Apostolic Exarch for Byzantine rite Catholics of Greek descent in Greece
1.7 Cyprus
Reverend Bishop Yussiph (Suiph)
Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus
1.8 Bulgaria
Reverend Bishop Christo (Proykov)
Apostolic Exarch of Sophia for Byzantine-Slavonic rite Catholics in Bulgaria
1.9 Romania
Reverend Bishop Virgil (Berchea)
Bishop of Oradei Mare
Reverend Bishop Alexandry (Mesian)
Bishop of Liugozhu
Reverend Bishop Vasile (Bizau)
Bishop of the Curia of the Major Archbishopric of Blazh
1.10 Germany
Reverend Bishop Piotr (Kryk)
Apostolic Exarch for Byzantine rite Ukrainians in Germany and Scandinavia
1.11 Poland
The Most Reverend Bishop Ivan (Martynyak)
Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw, Byzantine Ukrainian rite
Reverend Bishop Volodymyr Roman (Juszczak)
Bishop of Wroclaw-Gdansk, Byzantine Ukrainian rite
1.12 Serbia
Reverend Bishop Yuriy (Dzhudzhar)
Apostolic Exarch of Serbia and Montenegro
1.13 Byelorussia
Highly Reverend Archimandrite Jan Serhiy (Gayek)
Apostolic Visitator for Greek-Catholics in Belarus
2. Guests:
His Eminence Peter Cardinal Erdo
Head of the ССЕЕ
The Most Reverend Bishop Ivan Jurkovic
Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine
Reverend Bishop Sviatoslav (Shevchuk)
Auxiliary bishop of the Eparchy of the Protection of the Virgin Mary in Buenos Aires
The Most Reverend Fr. Cyril (Vasyl)
Secretary of the Congregation for Oriental Churches, Archbishop elect of the titular see of Tolemayida, Lebanon
Reverend Fr. Vasyl Hovera
Delegate of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches for Greek-Catholics in Kazakhstan
Highly Reverend Archimandrite Giovanni (Skarabelli)
Archimandrite of the title of Mercy of God
Reverend Fr. Ferentz Yanka
General vice-secretary of the ССЕЕ
At the conclusion it was decided that the next meeting of the Eastern Catholic hierarchs of Europe will take place on October 7–10, 2010, in Bulgaria.
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19.05.2009, [12:51] // Conference //
On 15 May 2009 the international seminar “A Common Date of Easter – Possible: The 1997 Aleppo Consensus” was held at the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Lviv. The participants considered the recommendations of the meeting in Syria concerning a common date of Easter to be acceptable for all Christian churches of both the East and West today.
At the same time, the speakers accented on the fact that the main problem lies not in deciding the calculations but in the lack of trust between the different Christian denominations due to long division.
The aim of the seminar, as the organizers mentioned, was to inform the broader public and to discuss “the good news concerning the consensus which Christian churches at Aleppo have achieved for the common celebration of Christ’s resurrection,” At the same time, it intends to raise the level of trust between Christian confessions.
According to the words of the organizer of the seminar, the director of UCU’s Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Dr. Antoine Arjakovsky, the seminar in Lviv is the first such meeting of this character after the consultation in Aleppo. He stressed that it was very important that the representatives of all of the confessions which participated in the seminar and also representatives of the World Council of Churches and Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity reach an agreement concerning the proposals of Aleppo that they are the most acceptable for having one date of Easter.
In the 20th century, Roman Catholic and Protestant churches of the West were even ready to accept a fixed date of Easter on the second Sunday of April, presuming that such a proposal were to find agreement among all Christian churches. Responding to this, a commission from the Orthodox churches, which was formed with the intention of giving such a response to this proposal, declined the idea of a fixed date of Easter after the proposal was given at a consultation in 1977 in Chambesy. This decline on behalf of the Orthodox commission came due to the fact that it would be in contradiction with the ancient method of calculating the date of Easter. All of the members expressed their desire to calculate the feast of the resurrection according to the rules of the Nicene Council that mandates that Easter is to be celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox in accord with modern, astronomical data.
Responding to this, the World Council of Churches and the Middle East Council of Churches, by the invitation of the Syrian Orthodox Church, organized the 1997 Aleppo consultation where the theologians of all of the represented churches accepted the decision of the Orthodox conference and decided that the most acceptable and traditionally rooted method of calculating the date for the celebration of Easter would be following the norms of the Nicene Council and that the celebration of Easter would take place on the first Sunday after the full-moon following the vernal equinox using the calculations of modern, astronomical data. The consultation also recommended that the calculation be made on the basis of the Jerusalem meridian.
Dr. Antoine Arjakovsky emphasized that it is an important fact that these proposals of the seminar were supported by the major Christian churches of Lviv. During the meeting, formal remarks from Metropolitan Andriy (Horak) of the Lviv-Sokal Metropolitanate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyiv Patriarchate; Archbishop Makary Miletich of the Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church; Archbishop Ihor Vozniak of Lviv of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; Rev. Dymytro Kolesnyk, pastor of Hosanna Church and director of the Youth Christian Association of Lviv; Rev. Roman Solovij, representative of the Evangelical Churches of Ukraine, and rector of the Lviv Theological Seminary; Rev. Mikhailo Mokienko, a representative of the Evangelical Churches of Ukraine and dean of the Dnipropetrovsk Bible College; and the administrator of the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, Father Tadeos Gevorgian.
Expressing joy that such an important theme had been raised in the seminar, Metropolitan Andriy Horak mentioned that such a detailed answer from the Orthodox representation concerning the Aleppo proposals could be received only after a Pan-Orthodox consultation and, eventually, a council. It is worth mentioning that Fr. Milan Zust, S.J., representative for the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said that the Roman Catholic Church is waiting for a response from the Orthodox churches and he thinks that if the Orthodox would accept the Aleppo recommendations, then there would be no problems with establishing one, common date of Easter. If some remarks would come from the Orthodox representation or if they were to propose another variant, then the question would definitely need to be reviewed.
Dr. Konstantine Sigov, chief director of the publishing firm Spirit and Letter, who spoke in the name of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), mentioned that it is of huge importance to spread information about the possibility of establishing a common date for Easter – especially within an academic environment as well as among the broader public.
As it was declared in the seminar in Lviv, the participants declared the task before themselves to “gain the attention of all Christians to the difficult question of the division in celebrating the feast above all feasts, the solemn day of Easter, and to inform with invigorated power, concerning the consensus and the progress which has already been attained by Christians with regard to this issue.”
Expressing his point of view concerning this issue, which was explored within the seminar, UCU Vice Rector Myroslav Marynovych mentioned that cultural barriers are the main obstacle. “When we think about one date of celebrating Easter for Christians, we think first of all, who wins or who loses,” mentioned Marynovych. He gave an example as experienced within the forced labor camps of the Soviet Union saying that all Christian feasts were celebrated together and Easter was celebrated twice. According to his words, people are united primarily by an animosity against a common enemy. “Why is it today that we do not have a sentiment that the best ‘glue’ is not a common enemy, but is rather a common God.” He placed this as a rhetorical question to the participants.
In 2010 and 2011, the dates of Easter will coincide in both the Eastern and Western traditions. As mentioned by Dr. Arjakovsky, we need to place an accent on the fact that the dates for celebrating Easter not only coincide according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but also with astronomical data. “This is an important witness that the time has come to celebrate Easter jointly not only from time to time, but as a rule ,” mentioned Dr. Arjakovsky.
The participants of the seminar, as the final communique stated, encouraged all Christians to actively join in discussion concerning this issue and to put all of their efforts to make the coinciding of the celebration of Easter by Christians to be not merely an exception, but a rule. It is the hope that the Christian churches of both the East and the West will jointly celebrate the feast of Easter and this would constitute a real step toward establishing full communion in the future.