Bishop Milan's first visit to St. Louis, March 2018
Bishop Milan's first visit to St. Louis, March 2018
Celebrants & Server, Bishop Milan's first visit to St. Louis, March 2018
LtoR: Jon Bruno, Fr. Deacon Ken Malley, Nicholas Bruno, Fr. Joseph Weber, Bishop Milan Lach, Fr. Steven Hawkes-Teeples, S.J.,
Bishop Phillipos Mar Stefanos, Fr. James Deshotels, S.J., Ramon Riesgo, Aidan Stephens, Jack Bruno

2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014

Annual Event Calendar
January 6TheophanySolemn Blessing of Water
February/MarchSelected days during Great LentLiturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
3rd Sunday of Great Lent--Exaltation of the Holy Cross Procession
Sunday of PalmsFlowery SundayBlessing of Willow & Palm Branches
PaschaEaster SundayBlessing of Food Baskets, Making a Traditional Easter Basket
Sunday After Pascha (Easter)St. Thomas SundaySt. Thomas Dinner
Second Monday After Pentecost - June 28Apostle's FastFast of the Apostles
May--Mother's Day Celebration
June--Father's Day Celebration
July 4--Patriotic Sing-a-long
July 20St. Elijah DayBlessing of Vehicles
August 1 - 14Dormition FastFast of the Dormition of the Theotokos
August 6TransfigurationBlessing of Fruits and Herbs
August 15Dormition (Assumption)Blessing of Flowers and Herbs
August--Annual Parish Fellowship Picnic
September--Grandparent's Day Celebration
November 8St. Michael DayBlessing of Vehicles
November 14 - December 24St. Phillips Fast (Filipovka)Fast of St. Phillip
December 6St. Nicholas DayAnnual St. Nicholas Celebration
December 24--Christmas Eve

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Parish Groups
Altar ServersMen and boys assist at the Holy Mysteries and other Worship Services.
FellowshipAll members take turns bringing refereshments to the rest of the parish at Coffee Fellowship Hour.
GreetersGuests and visitors are made welcome by our greeters.
CantorsOur Liturgy depends upon dedicated talents of our singers.
CatechistsThis dedicated group of volunteers faithfully teach our children
PublicityBy means of newspapers, the internet, radio and television, flyers and mailings, our publicists make our Parish and activities known.
ReadersThey proclaim readings of the Old Testament and New Testament Letters and Acts.

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