Husar 19.07.2007, [16:15] // UGCC // RISU.ORG.UA

Kyiv – On 18 July 2007, Patriarch Lubomyr (Husar), head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, who is presently in Rome, sent a letter to those suffering from the 16 July chemical spill in western Ukraine’s Lviv Region.

“Any tragedy of such a type, whether larger or smaller in its scope, is for us a great puzzle. I don’t mean regarding the technical details, but about why the Lord allows them… Still, one thing is sure, that our Heavenly Father, whose goodness knows no equal, does not allow this without some reason. We pray the ‘Our Father’ every day, and if we say these words with a sincere heart and full reflection, we are convinced that God does not wish evil for us,” wrote the patriarch.

Patriarch Lubomyr also recalled those involved in countering the “medical, technical, or other consequences of this catastrophe,” and asked for prayers for them. He also called all those “who in some way can bring help to the suffering, whether in a prayerful, moral, or material way, to do this, not sparing the work and effort.”

