VATICAN CITY, SEP 7, 2007 (VIS) - At 9.50 a.m. today, the Pope departed from Rome's Ciampino airport and, following a two-hour flight, landed in the international airport of Vienna / Schwechat, thus beginning his seventh apostolic trip outside Italy as Pontiff, As he descended from the plane, he was greeted by Heinz Fischer, president of the Republic of Austria, and by Cardinal Christoph Schonborn O.P., archbishop of Vienna.
Following a speech by the Austrian president, the Holy Father rose to address some words to the political civil and religious authorities present. "The culture of this country," he began, "is deeply imbued with the message of Jesus Christ and the activity which the Church has carried out in His name."
"The reason for my coming to Austria," he continued, "is the 850th anniversary of the shrine of Mariazell. This Marian sanctuary in some way represents the maternal heart of Austria, and has always had a particular importance also for Hungarians and the Slavic peoples. It symbolizes an openness which not only transcends physical and national frontiers, but, in the person of Mary, reminds us of an essential dimension of human beings: their capacity for openness to God and His word of truth.
"In this way," he added, "I would like, during these three days here in Austria, to go as a pilgrim to Mariazell" on "a journey made in the company of all the pilgrims of our time. ... Mariazell does not only represent 850 years of history, but shows us on the basis of that history, the way to the future."
"Tomorrow - the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, the patronal feast of Mariazell - will bring me to that holy place. In the Eucharistic celebration in front of the basilica we will gather, as Mary has shown us, around Christ Who comes into our midst. We will ask Him to help us better to contemplate Him, to see Him in our brothers and sisters, to serve Him in them, and to walk with Him on the way that leads to the Father."
"Pilgrimage means more than just journeying to a shrine. The journey back to our everyday life is also fundamental. Each week of our ordinary life begins with Sunday. ... and so we will celebrate Mass this Sunday in Saint Stephen's Cathedral."
The Pope concluded: "I know that in Austria many people, on Sunday, the day of rest from work, and during their free time on other days of the week, engage in volunteer activities and service to others. Such commitment, offered generously and disinterestedly for the welfare of others, also marks the pilgrimage of our life."