Metropolitan Stefan Soroka 24.04, [13:32] // News // This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan Soroka
Washington, DC - Pope Benedict XVI gave special recognition to the presence of Bishops from all the venerable Eastern Churches in communion with the Successor of Peter, during his meeting with the Catholic Bishops at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC on April 16-th, 2008. He asked the Eastern Bishops “to assure your communities of my deep affection and my continued prayers, both for them and for the many brothers and sisters who remain in their land of origin. Your presence here is a reminder of the courageous witness to Christ of so many members of your communities, often amid suffering, in their respective homelands”. The Holy Father's comments reflect his knowledge and sensitivity to the sufferings and persecutions endured by many of the hierarchy, clergy, religious and faithful of the Eastern Catholic Churches in their homeland. Escaping persecutions and hardships and the search for religious freedoms were often the motivator for the immigration of many to the United States of America.

Pope Benedict XVI characterized the establishment of Eastern Catholic Churches in the United States of America as “a great enrichment of the ecclesial life of America, giving vivid expression to the Church's catholicity and the variety of her liturgical and spiritual traditions”. Eighteen different Eastern Churches, each celebrating in their particular liturgical and spiritual traditions, add to the rich mosaic of Catholic life in America. This is a unique situation in the world. It reflects the Catholic Church's lived commitment to embracing and fostering its rich spiritual giftedness in tradition and prayer. The hierarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches enjoy a positive and mutually enhancing relationship with their Latin brothers. The Eastern Catholic Bishops of the USA meet annually to share in issues of common concern. A Committee of Relations between the Eastern and Latin Bishops in the United States Conference of Bishops periodically meets to address any issues which might arise. An additional region was recently established within the United States Conference of Bishops specifically for the Eastern Bishops.

Pope Benedict XVI's acknowledgment of the “courageous witness to Christ of so many members of your communities, often amid suffering, in their respective homelands” resonates strongly for many in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church has suffered immensely under successive repressions in Ukraine in the past century. Thousands were martyred for their faith. The religious freedom enjoyed in America has allowed for the Ukrainian Catholic Church to flourish, with approximately 200 parishes and missions and well over one hundred thousand faithful. Our Church in America expressed a strong and steadfast voice of faith for those who could not speak in Ukraine in its time of persecution. The Church has since served a significant role in the renewal of our Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine. The Pope's theme in his visit to the USA, “Christ, Our Hope”, offers encouragement to all in the Ukrainian Catholic Church to continue to evangelize energetically here in America and in our efforts to assist in the renewal of our Church in our homeland.