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On Saturday, April 19, 2008, youth from the Eparchy of Stamford and seminarians from St. Basil College Seminary had a once in a life time experience of participating in the Papal Rally for Youth and Seminarians at the St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, NY.

Sixty five youth from around the Stamford Eparchy and seminarians prayed with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, as he continued his Apostolic Journey to the United States of America entitled “Christ Our Hope.”

It was an extraordinary faith experience for over twenty thousand young people who traveled for this event from every section of the United States and beyond.

In addition to youth and seminarians, at the meeting with the Pope Benedict XVI, Stamford Eparchy represented His Excellency Most Rev. Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, eparch of Stamford, Very Rev. Philip Canon Weiner, eparchial chancellor, Very Rev. Archpriest Kiril Angelov, dean of Syracuse, Very Rev. Archpriest Bohdan Danylo, St. Basil College Seminary rector, Rev. Ivan Mazuryk, dean of men, Rev. Vasyl Kadylo, spiritual director, Rev. Vasile Colopelnic, pastor of the Epiphany Church in Rochester, Rev. Deacon Mykola Drofych, Sister Charlotte Pipping, The sportsbook that is available through the sbobet site is now increasingly becoming a popular betting website in Asia. Various bets are provided by login sbobet mobile has so many fans. Even the Indonesian sbobet website has become a betting site that has the largest rounds in the world for every day. The games provided include soccer gambling, casino, online slots and many others. SSMI, director of the eparchial religious education office, and Sister Eliane Ilnitski, SSMI.

Press Secretariat of the Stamford Eparchy
