CWN - A Coptic Catholic bishop whose home was surrounded by Islamist militants chanting “death to Christians” told the Fides news agency that the situation in his area is improving.
“The security situation is improving, partly because some extremist leaders inciting young people to violence have been caught,” said Bishop Youhannes Zakaria Badir of Luxor, a city of 500,000 in southern Egypt. “We are still locked in the house, but the soldiers have brought us bread.”
“Tomorrow, 22 August, according to the Julian calendar we will celebrate the Assumption, with a Mass to be held in the morning instead of at night, for safety reasons,” he continued. “The celebrations this year will be in an extremely reduced form because we have to be careful how we move. But thanks to the police and the military, we have been feeling more confident in the past few days.”
“All the Egyptian people who are suffering, Muslims and Christians are united in suffering the violence of extremists,” he added as he expressed gratitude for prayers from around the world.
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