CWN - Leaders of several Eastern Orthodox churches gathered in Nis, Serbia, on October 6 to commemorate the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan.

The city is the birthplace of Constantine, the Roman emperor who issued the edict that legalized Christianity.

“Many Christians are being persecuted these days in the Middle East, in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Nigeria and other places, only because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus,” said Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, according to a Reuters report. “They cherish everyone and are persecuted by all.”

Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow told reporters that “today, when some people doubt the relevance of this Christian source of European civilization, we, Christian Orthodox churches and all Christians of Europe, should help our contemporaries realize and sense once again how important this source is for shaping the spiritual and moral profile of Europeans,” the Interfax news agency reported.