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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
- Details - 20090202 - Metropolitan Kirill was enthroned on Saturday as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in a colorful traditional ceremony held at the cathedral of Christ the Savior.
“Youth will become an object of our special care,” he said, “as young people badly need spiritual guidance. In the epoch of moral relativism, when promotion of violence and depravity steals the souls of young people, we can't sit and wait” for youth to Christ. “The Patriarch's task,” he added, “is not to let factions-- which, according to the apostle, must be-- grow into schisms, dissentions and false teachings. The Patriarch should care that every person with all individuality finds his or her place in the Church body, but at the same time that dissidence doesn't break love and weaken our common efforts taken to build the house of God.”
Pope Benedict XVI sent the new Russian Patriarch a chalice, personally delivered by Cardinal Walter Kasper, "as a sign of the desire to achieve full communion as full as possible." The Pontiff also sent a message voicing his confidence that the Roman and Russian churches "will continue to cooperate in finding ways to foster and strengthen communion in the Body of Christ, in fidelity to our Saviur's prayer that all may be one, so that the world may believe."
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
- Enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow patriarchate)
- Patriarch Kirill says his main tasks are enchurchment of youth, protection of church unity and its external boarders (Interfax)
- In pictures: Kirill enthroned (BBC)
- Continue cooperation in order to strengthen communion (VIS)
- Details
30.01.2009, [13:32] // UGCC //RISU.ORG.UA
Kiev, Ukraine - For a whole week in churches of different confessions (Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate, Churches of Christians of the Evangelical Faith of Ukraine (Pentecostals), Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church(UGCC)), as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18-25) Christians of different Churches conducted services. The final prayer took place on January 25 in the Church of Saint Basil the Great (UGCC). "In churches of different confessions we prayed for unity. Unity as a gift from the Lord, unity which has to be among us Christians, in fulfillment of the testament of Christ. Unity like that which exists in the Holy Trinity." So Patriarch Lubomyr, Head of the UGCC, summarized the experience of the week.
The Head of the UGCC noted that "in every church there were exhortations to search for unity." However, Patriarch Lubomyr gave attention to the fact that talk about unity is not difficult, but it is important to pray for it. "To talk about unity is very easy, I would say popular. Even politicians talk about unity. But to pray for unity is already not a simple matter. Now prayer is not empty words which come out of our mouths. Prayer has to be sincere. It should come from our heart," he said.
The Head of the UGCC suggested that those present complete the week of prayer with a test of how sincere their prayer is. The test consisted of three questions which the person has to ask him- or herself: 1. What good did I do for my neighbor, even if he does not belong to my Church? Did I wish him good; did I cast aside everything that is offensive to him?
2. What bad did I do to my neighbor who is not from my Church, perhaps I mocked him, I was glad at his misfortune, glad when he made a mistake?
3. What good did I avoid that I could do for my neighbor and did not do? Was I glad for my neighbor, did I support him in spirit when he had misfortunes?
"When we answer these questions, we will see how sincere our prayer is. When we sincerely wish good for our neighbor, only then can we sincerely pray. We have to find in our heart that benevolence, that good, and to wish it sincerely to all. On such a foundation we can build that unity which the Heavenly Father wants to give us. Because He already gives it to us, and promised not only that He would give it sometime, but already now, if we are ready to accept it." So Patriarch Lubomyr explained.
The prayer meeting was completed with the Lord’s Prayer, the "Our Father," common for all Christians.
- Details
Canberra - 26-Jan-2009 - On “Australia Day” 26th January, 2009 the office of the Governor General of Australia, Ms. Quentin Bryce, released the names of those who had been appointed as recipients in the General Division of the Order of Australia within the Australian Honours System.
Amongst those included on the list was His Grace, the Most Reverend Bishop Peter Stasiuk, Eparch of Ukrainian Catholics in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. He was nominated as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for services to religion and the community through his contributions to Catholic Welfare, counseling and development programs.
Bishop Peter Stasiuk was born in Roblin, Manitoba, Canada in 1943. He joined the Ukrainian Redemptorist Order in Canada and was ordained a priest in 1967 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Previously he was a student and staff member of St. Vladimir’s College in Roblin, Manitoba. He was elected Bishop in 1993 and moved to Melbourne, Australia where he has been ever since.
The Honours System of Australia contains three levels in the General Division – Companion (AC), Member (AM) and Medal of the Order (OAM). The official presentation of Awards is usually done about three or four months after the announcement and publication in the Australia Gazette.
For further information about Bishop Peter or Ukrainian Catholics in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, please visit the Eparchy of Ss. Peter & Paul web-site at:
- Details - 20090128 - Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, who had been the chief representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in ecumenical affairs, has been elected the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The prelate had served as locum tenens, or temporary head, of the Russian Orthodox Church since the death of Patriarch Aleksei II in December.
The election of Patriarch Kirill-- in a process relatively free from the political manipulation that marked patriarchal elections during the Communist era-- marks a watershed for the Russian Orthodox Church and raises the prospects of significant progress in relations between Moscow and Rome. The new Patriarch has indicated a willingness to approve a papal visit to Russia-- although in remarks just prior to his election he stressed that the visit could not take place until current tensions are resolved.
Pope Benedict XVI welcomed the Russian leader's election, promising his prayerful support and cooperation and assuring him of "the Catholic Church's commitment to cooperate with the Russian Orthodox Church for an ever clearer witness of the truth of the Christian message."
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
- Metropolitan Kirill elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Interfax)
- Interview with Metropolitan Kirill on the eve of the patriarchal election (Interfax)
- Happiness of Pope at election of new Russian Patriarch (VIS)
- Breaking News -- Kirill Elected New Russian Orthodox Patriarch (Inside the Vatican)
- Metropolitan Kirill is the new Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (AsiaNews)
- Details - 20090126 - Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk, the acting leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, heads a list of three candidates to replace the late Patriarch Aleksei as leader of the world's largest Orthodox body. The three finalists were chosen by the Synod of Bishops; a local council of Moscow clerics will make the final selection this week.
Metropolitan Kirill, who has been the top ecumenical officer for the Moscow patriarchate, is regarded as a 'reform' candidate. His willingness to engage in dialogue with the Vatican has dismayed some Orthodox conservatives, who have pressed Kirill to retract a statement that the Catholic Church is a part of the true Church; the traditionalist arm of the Russian Church insists that only the Orthodox Church is the true faith.
Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga is regarded as the traditionalists' favorite among the three finalists. The third candidate is Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk, Belarus.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
- Details
VATICAN CITY, 24 JAN 2009 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican the Holy Father received prelates from the Chaldean Church, who have just completed their "ad limina" visit. In the course of their audience with the Pope, the bishops gave him a cape used by Archbishop Faraj Rahho of Mosul and a stole belonging to Fr. Ragheed Aziz Ganni, both killed in Iraq over recent months.
Through Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, the Pope sent greetings to all the Chaldean faithful, assuring them of his fervent prayers "at this very difficult time for your region, especially for Iraq". Recalling, among others, Archbishop Rahho and Fr. Ganni, he said: "I ask God that the men and women of peace in that beloved region may unite their efforts to put an end to violence and enable everyone to live in security and mutual harmony".
"The Chaldean Church, the origins of which stretch back to the first centuries of the Christian era, has a long and noble tradition", said the Pope. This tradition "is an expression of her deep roots in the East, ... and of the vital contribution she makes to the Universal Church, especially with her theologians and masters of spirituality. Her history also shows how she has participated actively and fruitfully in the life of your nations. Today the Chaldean Church, which occupies an important place among the various institutions of your countries, must continue this mission at the service of human and spiritual development".
Benedict XVI underlined the fact that the Chaldean Church, "by establishing cordial relations with members of other communities, is called to play a vital moderating role in the building of a new society where everyone can live in harmony and reciprocal respect. I know that coexistence between the Muslim and Christian communities has gone through various vicissitudes", he said. "The Christians who have always lived in Iraq are full citizens of the country with the same rights and duties as everyone else, without any religious distinction".
The Holy Father invited Chaldean bishops to place the Word of God at the centre of their pastoral activities and projects, because "it is on faithfulness to that Word that unity among all the faithful is founded, in communion with pastors". In that patriarchal Church, he went on, "the synodal assembly is an indubitable gift which must be used as a means to help make ties of communion stronger and more effective, and to experience inter- episcopal charity", because the synod "is the place where co-responsibility is effectively achieved thanks to real collaboration among its members".
"Furthermore the Chaldean Church, above all in Iraq where it is the largest [Christian community], has a particular responsibility to promote the communion and unity of the mystical body of Christ. Thus I invite you to continue meeting with pastors of other 'sui iuris' Churches, and with leaders of other Christian Churches, in order to further the cause of ecumenism".
The Pope also dwelt on the critical situations bishops have to face, in the first place that of the "faithful who must confront the daily threat of violence", and he expressed his appreciation "for your courage and tenacity in the face of the ordeals and dangers to which you are subject, especially in Iraq". He then asked the bishops "to help your faithful overcome current difficulties and affirm your presence, appealing to those in charge for the recognition of your human and civil rights", and he invited them "to love the land of your ancestors to which you remain so deeply rooted".
Turning his attention then to the Chaldean diaspora, "whose numbers never cease to grow especially in the wake of recent events", Benedict XVI emphasised the importance of "maintaining and intensifying bonds with your Patriarchate, so as not to feel excluded from its central unity" and "to uphold your cultural and religious identity".
Finally the Pope praised "the Church's witness of charity towards all those in need, without distinction of origin or religion. This cannot but stimulate all people of good will to expressions of solidarity". In Iraq, "despite the terrible moments the country has gone through", such witness has given rise to works of charity "which do honour to God, the Church and the Iraqi people".
"I invite you", he concluded, "to continue your mission with courage and hope. ... May the prayers and assistance of your brothers and sisters in the faith, and of so many people of good will, accompany you, that God's loving gaze may continue to illuminate the long-suffering Iraqi people".
AL/.../CHALDEAN CHURCHVIS 090126 (770)