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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 20, 2009 ( Despite difficulties, dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is advancing both at the level of theological accords and in fraternal relations, says a Vatican aide.
This was affirmed by Monsignor Eleuterio Fortino, subsecretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, to L'Osservatore Romano in a report on the work of the Mixed Commission representing the two Churches.
The Church is currently celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, under way through Sunday.
The monsignor said it is significant that there has been development in "constructive relationships" between Rome and Constantinople, and also with the Moscow Patriarchate and other Churches.
Regarding theological dialogue, Monsignor Fortino explained that the commission is currently studying the first millennium's understanding of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.
To make the work easier, the commission has been divided into two subgroups, one of English-speakers, the other of French-speakers, who will study ecclesial documents dealing with the question, as well as apostolic letters from the first centuries and the fathers of the Church.
They will also study the role of the popes in the refutation of heresies, particularly the condemnation of the iconoclast heresy, which was fundamental for the Eastern Churches.
The issue, Monsignor Fortino explained, is not so much the question of the primacy of Rome itself, which both Churches accept, as the Ravenna document shows, but rather the interpretation of the content of the primacy, about which there are still great differences.
The key, he said, is in "finding a common reading of the historical facts, a common hermeneutic in the interpretation of the data of Scripture and the theological options."
"Dialogue has embarked on a complicated journey, but [it is] the only one that could clear up the horizon toward full communion," the Vatican aide affirmed.
A document on this question of primacy will be studied by the commission in their next plenary session, set for October in Cyprus.
In sum, the monsignor stated, dialogue "continues open in a new phase and in a positive perspective," despite "permanent and new difficulties."
Proclamation to the faithful of the UGCC on the year of God 2009, the Year of Christian Vocation, with special emphasis on the priestly vocation
Most Reverend and highly honored Clergy Honored Monks and Nuns, Dearly beloved in Christ Lay Sisters and Brothers: God’s blessing and peace in the Lord!
Dearly beloved in Christ!
The main spiritual theme of the past year 2008, according to the decision of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of 2007, was Christian vocation. We hope sincerely that during the year which is running to an end we all – clergy or laity, older or younger – indeed were enriched by realizing that everybody who is born in the world in addition to the gift of life and holy faith obtains from the Creator a special task in life, which is a vocation. We hope also that every faithful person tried to recognize more intently his or her own vocation, to cherish and very conscientiously carry it out for the divine glory, for the good of one’s neighbor, and, most importantly, for understanding the meaning of one’s own life. We prayed sincerely for this, singing during the Divine Liturgy in the litany: «Again we pray for all people that they accept with interest the vocation given them by the Lord, that they thank God for it sincerely, and conscientiously and persistently carry it out and serve by it God and people gladly.»
The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, which took place on September of this year, decreed to continue in the following year, 2009, the theme of Christian vocation with an accent on the priestly vocation, and instead of the above-mentioned petition, to sing in the litany: «Again we pray for our priests, deacons, seminarians, and for their holy vocation.»
In this letter to you, dearly beloved in Christ, I want to explain in more detail this main theme of 2009 A.D. For our pastors and seminarians will be published another, special appeal.
Foremost I want to turn your attention to the fact that in our prayers and reflections we have to continue the theme of Christian vocation in general, and, even more, to try yet deeper, with more detail, to understand it, and most of all to carry it out in our daily life. During 2008 you, probably, listened to sermons, read books, and participated actively in various events on this theme. Such events in particular were organized by eparchies and inter-eparchial commissions, each in the special area (families, youth, laity, and others). Each of us in the future should ask him- or herself how deservingly and pleasing to God they execute the vocation given to him or her and how sincerely they try to help children and youth recognize and carry out their vocations. In addition to this task, the Synod of Bishops calls all of us in 2009 to pay special attention to the priestly vocation. Why? Because for the development and growth of our Church good spiritual leaders are needed, and first of all pastors are accordingly prepared and appointed for this. The bishops invite all members of the Church to consider the sacred character and importance of the priestly vocation and what we, the greater Church community, can do so that our priests be exemplary pastors to God’s glory and for the general good of all the Church and their native nation. We want to offer you a few ideas in relation to this aspect of next year’s spiritual theme.
When we talk about vocation and, in particular, when we call for prayers for priestly vocations, we think usually that our main and unique task is to ask the Lord God to call a sufficient number of candidates to the priestly order or, humanly speaking, to fill our seminaries. Entering the seminary is certainly a very important element, because the realization of the priestly vocation begins with this. However this does not reach the depth of the vocation to the priestly order. First of all, it is necessary to say that study in the seminary is preceded by other stages in this vocation. A good pastor often preaches about vocations and intently looks closely to the members of society, trying to recognize at least its embryo in concrete persons and, if such will notice, to take care to cherish it. A good parish is fruitful soil which bears the beautiful fruits of priestly vocations. One of our parishes in the USA can be an example, in the state of Pennsylvania, which in the 1920s and 1930s gave 37 lasting priestly and monastic vocations. The priests, monks and nuns who came from this community unanimously consider the merit of this in the pastor. A good Christian family, which is like a cradle or hothouse of new spiritual vocations, assists even more in the awakening and growing of a spiritual vocation. In a family of believing people the attitude to the priesthood is honor. Even if an unworthy priest is spoken about, this is said with pain but not with spite. And if there are boys in a family, this vocation is examined as the best possible one.
Not less than the work of father-pastors and the zealous prayer of the Church community, the example of heroes of the faith leads to an awakening of priestly vocations. In connection with this we remember the words of Pope John Paul II of holy memory during the Divine Liturgy in Lviv on June 27, 2001, A.D. Proclaiming 27 members of our Church blessed martyrs, the Holy Father appealed to the priests present at the Liturgy with the words: “If God blesses your land with many vocations and if the seminaries are full – and this is a source of hope for your Church – that is surely one of the fruits of their sacrifice. But it is a great responsibility for you.”
There should be no doubt that the Lord God, as a good Father and Master, calls a sufficient number of workers for the harvest (see Luke 10:2). If there are not enough deserving candidates, however, often we people are guilty, in particular through the decline of spiritual life in our families, through a lack of proper sermons and encouragement, and also through a lack of honor for the priestly status. There is no hope in gaining priestly vocations in families in which the greatest value is money or in which parents’ major care is family relations. It is necessary to remember here the negative influence which the modern mass media has, which quite often becomes the transmitter of anti-Christian ideas and visions. And already quite shattering is the bad life example of some priest, especially the local pastor.
These obstacles are very large, but they are not insuperable. Recently we have more than once heard criticism addressed at priests because of their unworthy conduct or superficial implementation of pastors’ duties. Let us ask ourselves: Did we pray for the correction of such priests, people who fell into a great spiritual crisis? How much did we help them get out of such a tragic state? In fact the priest is not a single island among the wide sea of humanity. He especially needs support from the people who are around him, because he is visible and his every step is well known. Here one should also not underestimate the attacks of the enemy of Church, who operates according to the well-known principle: “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be dispersed.” (see Zech. 13:7; Mt. 26:31)
Among the means of support which the whole church community should use for its priests, the first place is occupied by prayer. The priest exists and operates with the help of the strength of prayer, not only his own, but also the prayer of the community which he serves. Therefore the Synod of Bishops calls all the members of the Church to pray for priests and deacons – not only for the intention that they be in sufficient quantity, but also first of all that those who enter this holy status in accord with the divine will live out their vocation and fulfill it in a holy way.
Believing people help their priest. For great requirements stand before him: as a person, a pastor, an administrator, a teacher, a citizen, and if he is married – a husband and father. A priest’s life is not covered with a path of roses, except for in those cases when he wants to be a lying prophet and satisfy the whims of the people, instead of leading them to the Heavenly Kingdom. If he tries indeed to be godly, his life is rather a thorny path. Against this background we will understand better who we want to be: the Pharisees who mocked Jesus Christ, or the one from Cyrene who helped Him carry the cross.
Dearly beloved in Christ! We begin 2009, the Year of Christian Vocation with a special accent on the priestly vocation. Let us think about ourselves, about our vocation. Let us reflect on the vocation to the priesthood, because all of us want to see our priests as God’s exemplary servants, the content of whose life is to lead the souls entrusted to them to the Heavenly Father. Together with Jesus Christ, the High Priest, let us pray for and support our priests and deacons.
May the Lord’s blessing be on you!
Issued in Kyiv, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, December 31, 2008
Prayer of the Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky for good Ukrainian clergy, for which we entrust all the faithful of our Church to pray
Lord, O Lord, look down from heaven and visit the vineyard which was planted by Your hand.
May Your all-powerful hand be always on this people which You have loved. Give it, Eternal God, in every generation, until the end of the world, holy bishops and priests, filled with Your Spirit — pastors and teachers of Your law, who would be able unchanging to keep the truth of Your holy incarnation and with love to teach and to lead this great people.
Grant to the Ukrainian clergy the grace to be never afraid of sacrifice, where the only matter is Your glory and the good of this people.
Set on fire in the hearts of Ukrainian priests the spirit of zealousness for the salvation of souls. Open before their eyes the wisdom of Your revelation and give them high feeling for the holiness of those things to which you called them. Bless their work and their intentions. Protect them from every misfortune. And unite them with Your blessings, so that in love they be one – as you, Father with Your Son and the Son with You. Amen.
09:24 15.01.09 09:24 - UGCC.ORG.UA - On January 14, 2009, at 13.00 in the Vatican it was announced that His Holiness Benedict XVI has blessed the decision of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church to appoint Reverend Father Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Ph.D., rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv, Auxiliary Bishop of the Eparchy of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The titular throne of Castra Galbae was given to the new bishop.
"As a student, Father Sviatoslav was one of those whom the at that time eparchial bishop of the UGCC in Argentina, Andres (Sapelak), invited to this country to study theology there and, consequently, there were pastors for the faithful of our Church in Argentina. At this time he learned Spanish and got to know the culture of this country. Now when we were choosing a candidate for a bishop for the Greek-Catholics of Argentina, the choice, considering this primary idea about his ministering in this country, came down precisely on Fr. Sviatoslav." So His Beatitude Lubomyr, Major Archbishop of Kyiv and Halych, explained the decision of the Synod of Bishops.
"We have a great expectation that Fr. Sviatoslav will bring with him those characteristics which are so needed for fortifying and rebuilding our Church in Argentina, where according to official data 300 thousand faithful of the UGCC live. The biggest problem of this eparchy is the limited number of priests. Father Sviatoslav, who until now was the rector of the Lviv seminary, probably will be able to find priests who would be ready to travel to minister to the faithful of the Church in this South American country," the Head of the UGCC said.
Biographical information on Fr. Sviatoslav Shevchuk:
Born on May 5, 1970, in the town of Stryj, Lviv Region. Ordained a deacon on May 21, 1994. (The ordaining bishop was Fylymon (Kurchaba).) Priestly ordination on June 26, 1994. (The ordaining bishop was His Beatitude Myroslav Ivan Cardinal Lubachivsky).
1991-1992 – studied at the Don Bosco Center of Philosophical-Theological Studies in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina);
1992-1994 Lviv Seminary;
1994-1995 Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Rome, Italy). Theology Faculty. Baccalaureate;
1995-1997 Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Theology Faculty, Moral Theology Department;
1997-1999 Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Theology Faculty. Doctorate with “Summa cum laude” in theological anthropology and the bases of moral theology of the Byzantine theological tradition. Doctor of theology.
Ministering activity:
1999-2000 prefect of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv
2000-2007 vice-rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv
From 2001 vice-dean of Theology Faculty of the Lviv Theological Academy (subsequently the Ukrainian Catholic University);
2002-2005 head of the secretariat and personal secretary of His Beatitude Lubomyr, head of the Patriarchal Curia in Lviv;
From June 2007 rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv
VATICAN CITY, 16 JAN 2009 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Iran, who have just completed their "ad limina" visit. The conference is made up of ordinaries of the Armenian, Chaldean and Latin Churches who, the Pope reminded them, represent "the richness of unity in the diversity that exists in the bosom of the Catholic Church, to which you bear daily witness in the Islamic Republic of Iran".
"Yesterday as today", he went on, "the Catholic Church never ceases to give encouragement to those concerned for the common good and peace among nations. For its part neither will Iran, a bridge between the Middle East and sub- continental Asia, cease to fulfil this vocation".
The Pope reaffirmed that the bishops live "in a land with a very ancient Christian presence that has developed and survived through the many vicissitudes of Iranian history". After then thanking priests and religious for their efforts, he also highlighted the collaboration of the Catholic Church in rebuilding work in the region of Bam, recently struck by an earthquake".
"Nor do I wish to forget the Catholic faithful", he said, "whose presence in the land of their ancestors brings to mind the biblical image of the yeast in the dough, which makes the bread rise and gives it flavour and texture". The Holy Father then went on to invite Iranian Catholics to "continue steadfast in the faith of their fathers and to remain rooted in their land, so as to collaborate in the development of the nation".
"Although your various communities live in different situations", he told the prelates, "some of your problems are shared. It is necessary to develop harmonious relations with public institutions which, with the grace of God, will certainly become more profound and enable those communities better to carry out their ecclesial mission, while upholding mutual respect. ... I invite you to promote all initiatives that may favour better reciprocal knowledge. There are two avenues to be explored: cultural dialogue, which is the centuries-old richness of Iran, and charity".
Referring to the lack of priests and religious, and the difficulties they face on their mission, such as that of travelling to distant communities, the Pope identified a way of overcoming these problems in "the institution of a bilateral commission with the authorities - which is already at the planning stage - so as to enable the improvement of relations and mutual understanding between the Republic of Iran and the Catholic Church".
Turning his attention to migrants "who go beyond their own frontiers in search of more favourable possibilities for their professional lives and the education of their children", the Holy Father told the bishops that this question requires them, "as shepherds of your flock, to give particular help to the faithful who live in Iran, inviting them to remain in contact with relatives who have chosen a different destiny, that they may maintain their identity and their ancestral faith".
"The road before you is long and requires perseverance and patience. The example of God, patient and merciful with His people, will serve you as a model and help you find the space necessary for dialogue".
"Your Churches are heirs to a noble tradition and to a long Christian presence in Iran", Pope Benedict concluded. "They have, each it its own way, contributed to the life and development of the nation, and they wish to continue their efforts in the service of Iran, while conserving their own identity and freely living their faith".
VATICAN CITY, 15 JAN 2009 (VIS) - A communique made public today announces that "the Holy Father Benedict XVI, moved by his pastoral solicitude for the Syriac Catholic Church and in view of Canon 72 para. 2 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, has called a Synod of bishops of the Syriac Catholic Church, to take place in Rome from 17 to 23 January, in order to elect a new patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians and of All the East.
"The Synod will begin with two days of prayer and reflection and will be presided by Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches".
VATICAN CITY, 14 JAN 2009 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Sviatoslav Shevchuk of the clergy of the archieparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, rector of the archieparchal major seminary, as auxiliary of the eparchy of Santa Maria del Patrocinio en Buenos Aires of the Ukrainians (Catholics 160,000, priests 17, permanent deacons 1, religious 93), Argentina. The bishop-elect was born in Stryj, Ukraine in 1970 and ordained a priest in 1994.