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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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Receives Finnish Ecumenical Delegation
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 19, 2007 ( Benedict XVI called for courage to overcome division among Christians, when receiving an ecumenical delegation from Finland during the week dedicated to praying for Christian unity.
"It is precisely this convincing testimony to the guiding and saving truths of the Gospel that all men and women seek or need to hear," said the Pontiff to the Finnish delegation today, on the occasion of the feast of the country's patron, St. Henrik.
"On the part of Christians this demands courage," said the Pope to the group led by Catholic Bishop Józef Wróbel of Helsinki, and Bishop Simo Peura of Kapua of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
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JERUSALEM, JAN. 19, 2007 ( Here is the final communiqué of the Coordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land, issued Thursday after the conclusion of their annual meeting.
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In the wake of a traumatic year for Israelis, Palestinians and the peoples of the Middle East, the work of our Coordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land seems more important than ever before. In our home countries and among Catholic people, there is enormous interest in and concern for the situation in the Middle East. The coordination represents Catholic bishops' conferences of Europe and North America. It was formed in Jerusalem in 1998 at the request of the Holy See.
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VATICAN CITY, JAN 19, 2007 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received an ecumenical delegation from Finland for the occasion of the Feast of St. Henry, patron saint of that country, which is celebrated today.
Addressing the delegates in English, the Pope noted how "in recent times relations between Christians in Finland have developed in a way that offers much hope for the future of ecumenism. Readily they pray and work together, bearing common public witness to the Word of God.
"It is precisely this convincing testimony to the guiding and saving truths of the Gospel that all men and women seek or need to hear," he added. "On the part of Christians this demands courage."
"In the Joint Declaration on Justification, Lutherans and Catholics have covered a considerable distance theologically. Further work remains and so it is encouraging that the Nordic Lutheran-Catholic dialogue in Finland and Sweden is examining the topic of 'Justification in the Life of the Church'."
The Holy Father concluded by expressing the hope "that these conversations will effectively contribute to the quest for full and visible unity of the Church, while at the same time offering an ever clearer response to the fundamental questions affecting life and society."
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VATICAN CITY, JAN 19, 2007 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received the Letters of Credence of Muammer Dogan Akdur, the new Turkish ambassador to the Holy See. In his French-language address to the diplomat, the Holy Father reiterated his gratitude to the authorities and the people of Turkey for the welcome they showed him during his apostolic visit to the country in December last year.
Pointing out that his trip had led him in the footsteps of his predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II, Benedict XVI noted that it had also given him the opportunity "to witness the good relations" between Turkey and the Holy See. And he recalled how, in his meetings with political leaders in Turkey, he had sought to reaffirm "the presence of the Catholic Church in Turkish society, thanks to the important heritage of the first Christian communities of Asia Minor" and the "existence of today's Christian communities, clearly minorities but dedicated to the country and to the common good of all society, and desirous of making their contribution to the construction of the nation."
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"Unity," said the Pope, "is a gift from God and the fruit of the action of His Spirit. For this reason it is important to pray. The closer we draw to Christ, converting ourselves to His love, the closer we also draw to one another."