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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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Handbook Offers Guidelines for the "Soul" of Fostering Christian Unity
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 16, 2007 ( - At the heart of the whole ecumenical movement is spiritual ecumenism, says the president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
In A Handbook of Spiritual Ecumenism, Cardinal Walter Kasper presents guidelines grounded in documents from the Second Vatican Council, Pope John Paul II's "Ut Unum Sint" and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Spiritual ecumenism is the "soul of the whole ecumenical movement," Cardinal Kasper explains in the handbook, published recently by New City Press.
He encourages readers to contemplate Jesus who, during the Last Supper, prayed "that they may all be one."
Desire and prayer
The introduction of the volume explains: "The quest for Christian unity is, above all, a desire that must be kept alive and a prayer that must be nourished."
The prelate wrote the book, called for by his council's 2003 plenary assembly, with some of his collaborators. He especially acknowledges the help of Monsignors Johan Bonny and Donald Bolen.
The cardinal points out that the text results from personal experiences and cooperation with a group already practicing spiritual ecumenism.
Cardinal Kasper says he hopes "it will contribute to unite us more with our brothers and sisters, in a common prayer around Christ, our only Lord."
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ANKAWA, Iraq, JAN. 16, 2007 ( - Classes have resumed at Iraq's only faculty of Christian theology as well as at a seminary that moved out of Baghdad for security reasons.
Chaldean Bishop Rabban al-Qas told AsiaNews that the doors of Babel College and St. Peter's Major Seminary reopened on Thursday, after being closed for months.
Abductions, assaults and threats to the Christian community in the capital convinced local Church leaders first to shut down both the college and seminary, and then to move them.
The neighborhood of Dora, where the headquarters of both institutions were first located, has become one of the most dangerous areas of Baghdad.
The reopening of the faculty of theology was marked by a Mass celebrated by Monsignor Jacques Isaac, rector of Babel College, in the Chaldean Church of Mar Eliya.
Bishop Andraos Abouna, vicar patriarch representing Chaldean Patriarch Emmanuel III Delly, and Sarkis Aghajan, a Christian and finance minister in Kurdistan's regional government, were also present.
About 25 seminarians are registered in Babel College, but there are many other students studying theology and philosophy.
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My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As we gaze upon the icon of the most Holy Mother of God and
our Savior, we are reminded of the truths in which our faith as Orthodox
Christians is rooted: the One Who is Life Itself emptied Himself and took on
our human nature, that we might become partakers of His divine nature.
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On the eve of the Nativity and on Nativity night,
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"Peace Warrants Great Sacrifices on the Part of All"
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 10, 2006 ( - Here is a Vatican translation of Benedict XVI's Dec. 21 message to Catholics living in the Middle East.
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To My Beloved Brother Bishops, Priests, and Lay Faithful in the Middle East
Bathed in the light of Christmas, we contemplate the presence of the Word who has pitched his tent among us. He is the "light that shines in the darkness" and that "gave us power to become children of God" (cf. Jn 1:5, 12). At this most significant time for the Christian faith, I wish to address a special word to you, Catholic brothers and sisters, who live in the Middle East region: I feel spiritually present in each of your particular Churches, even the smallest, sharing with you the worries and the hope with which you await the Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace. To all of you I say with the biblical greeting used by Saint Francis of Assisi: may the Lord give you peace.
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Christmas Message of His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, to the Archpastors, Pastors, Monastics and all Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church
The earth has stretched forth its wings and receives the Creator who receives glory from the angels, a star from the heavens, praise from the shepherds, gifts from the Magi and recognition from the whole world. (Troparion from the 3rd Ode of the Canon for Compline of Christmas Eve)Beloved in the Lord your graces the archpastors, beloved of God presbyters and deacons, honourable monks and nuns ‘fighting the good fight’ (2 Tim 4:7) and all Orthodox Christians who abide in the garden of the Church – ‘grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord’ (2 Pet 1:2).