CWN - The Chaldean Catholic Patriarchate has published the text of a speech that Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako addressed to Mosul’s Christians after they fled their city rather than convert to Islam.

“Our suffering if joined to the suffering of our Savior Jesus, Man of Sorrows, will turn out to be a blessing and salvation to us and to others,” he said. “Be brave in front of what you are facing, do not be afraid, you have deep roots in Iraq, do not give up for frustration and despair, confident that ‘for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ (Mt. 26:52) and evil does not last! You are the small mustard seed, the Lord will not let you fall.”

“We are your shepherds, and with our full responsibility towards you, we will stay with you to the end, will not leave you, whatever the sacrifices,” he added. “I repeat, do not be afraid; stay strong as you are with your faith and your hope and love.”

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